
Experts promote “Children’s Start Money” – who is this?

Experts promote “Children’s Start Money” – who is this?


Status: 09.10.2024 07:00

The Sachverständigenrat Wirtschaft plädiert for a state financial “Children’s Start Money” for all children over the years. Who would plan to make financing strong in Germany?

See you Bücker

Zehn Euro in a money fund is an Aktienfonds: the financial institutions have a state-financed “Children’s Start Money” for all children and young people when they advance years. At 18 years old it is true that we can save or save, the Sachverständigenrat Wirtschaft (SVR Wirtschaft) in its new Policy Brief. During this financing with capital market anlagen, the financing competence is halted. Is it even a funding project here?

“The level of financial education in Germany is good – shared with other countries”, writes Lukas Menkhoff, in the DIW Berlin and also about the financial developments in the conversation, in conversation A study by the Organization for Economic Work and Entwicklung (OECD) has been investigated. Darin invests Deutschland im Vergleich with 38 weeks Staaten on the first Platz. A ranking is not the right mass tab, so Menkhoff. “The correct mass stab ist, ob die Menschen das Wiszen en die Fähigkeiten haben, wirklich good Entscheidungen zu zijn, which are important for my life.” In Diesem Sinne it becomes bigger Lücken.

Federal Government plant Finanzbildungsstrategy

In March 2023, the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) and the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) started the Financial Bildungs ​​initiative and the OECD project, an Empfehlung for a Finanzbildungsstrategy. A file identifying the organization shows several years of engraving men in May. So now it’s more like half of the investments in the financing plans are used for other options, and a foursome can pay the lifetime costs for the long term head’s lust. Gerade Menschen mit niedrigem Einkommen en niedrigem Bildung level anyway Frauen hatten een kleine Finanzkompetenz.

Am 24. September übergab the OECD by the Vorschlag and the Ministry. Darin opts for a financing bill for all “in funfion-priority-anzusehenden themes”: financing of the financial and capital market, long-term savings and alternative solutions, indebtedness and responsible money with credits, financial support to the financial sector kompetenz anyway Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeitspräferenzen. Now that “we will have a financial strategy for the German labor market”, the BMF said provided About the Wirtschaftsweisen vorgeschlagene “Children’s Start Money” The part of the strategy is insulting. “The Vorschlag des SVR Wirtschaft cannot comment.”

Children and Eltern can experience different financial experiences

“The children’s starting money can be very valuable to the national financing strategy”, it is a day of the Sachverständigenrat. It is a soul story that the financing through learning the lessons goes to the core – anstatt auf theoretical Wissen. The instrument is “a part of the capital market that is concerned with anchoring and continuing a long history of issuing analyzes and displaying returns on the breite Bevölkerungsschichten ermöglichen”, which the Wirtschaftsweisen argue.

If you look at the program on Eltern’s financing component, you can outsource the capital for your children’s programs and the fund after the best criticism. There is an alternative to 15 years in which the children can find their own way. In the future, both “financial loans can be provided and one of the following breit activities and profitable profits can be made”. In the School that children do not learn everything at the end of the Ansparphase, they could come up with their own standard Entscheidungen.

“Invisible core elements” are a diversification of UCITS funds with a high number of shares that yield anteils and a lot of commercial paper. It is clear that the horizontal horizon is a “solid representation with a low degree of risk”. When an “active” anlagentscheidung takes place, the investments in a fund with a hundred percent action can fly. Im Median, a portfolio of more than 2,100 euros was realized after a year. With an Aktienquote of 75 Prozent the SVR Wirtschaft is worth 1,990 Euro, with 50 Prozent 1,867 Euro.

Costs of 1.5 billion euros per year

“It is important that it is so. The Schlag of the SVR is interesting and can last a long time and is enchanted,” says Andreas Peichl, Leiter des Zentrums für Makroökonomik und Befragungen am Münchener ifo Institut, gegenüber There is a big question, it is a theme that is being described. Darüber hinaus wären aber “sicherlich begleitende Bildungsmaßnahmen” separated. “Grundsätzlich verstehe ich die Motivation für den Vorschlag”, meint auch DIW-Fachmann Menkhoff. Other own purchases on the capital market for ergebe Sinn.

If the economy is a whole in itself aber die Frage, ob sich die Leute by the “Children’s Start Money”, it will become civilized. “Being in the Euro in my country, if you are a man, you are not going to be happy,” said Menkhoff. In other countries the mechanism of the standard option is adjusted. “Dann ist nicht wirklich etwas won.” The US Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, United States and Canada, has written a policy letter on the policy of the State of Israel, the United States and Canada to finance a number of long-term Child Development Accounts (CDA).

Another processing problem is the Menkhoff of the anlage horizon. “The Zeiträume, the man who braucht, the risk is great that the risk is still greater than ever before. The beginning of the transfer of the shares is the Anlage that is krzer by the monatliche Sparrate of the Euro-zeitweight as sechs Jahre .” It seems that the Forscher is not even sure whether the time point is a problem with the Bundeshaushalt right-wing goal. The concept was designed to cost 1.5 billion euros for economic benefits.

“Geringe Anbindung en die “Lebenswirklichkeit”

Other books call the “Children’s Start Money” with that Grund unrealistic. “The technical aspect of the design is not the problem of the development, without any minor connection with the quality of life,” says Christoph M. Schmidt, President of RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, in an interview with If the main house is not in the low corner, there is a reservoir and a financial center of shovels, but it cannot all be like that. In the other states, funding was provided by student grants. It’s the last time this has happened.

“If we all want the portfolio decomposition of English capitals shares to happen in the future, then we will continue to fund finance in mathematics education,” Schmidt said. Statistics schlägt der ehemalige Wirtschaftsweise neben verpflichten Lerneinheiten in der Schule een verpflichting Weiterbildung der Lehrkräfte in Grundzügen ökonomischer Zusammenhänge und de Einsatz von Lernmaterialien with practical Bezug zum Wirtschaftsleben vor.

For Axel Plünnecke vom Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln ist de Subvention “as a fragile, a story that changes, but wenn the positive effect can be achieved”. It is true that the financial images and debts are directly discussed, concrete on the Leiter for the Themen Bildung, Innovation und Migration. “Here a long-term plan can be drawn up, an effect of the stock market on the capital market will simulate and risk and take risks. With 1.5 million euros per year it would be a larger investment directly for the individual financing of the Bildungs ​​system could be.