
The Chamber awarded Billy Joel an Emmy nomination for 100. Madison Square Garden Concert ein.

The Chamber awarded Billy Joel an Emmy nomination for 100. Madison Square Garden Concert ein.

Is that so? Does ARRI not yet have its own unmistakable image?

These are better in quality and offer better quality. The concert has chosen a new maßstäbe for live concerts, which moreover for the Emmy-nominated and end-printed the outstanding artist Billy Joel, from the experience lobte: »I am not a good damit, who is my camera, but so good hat unsere Show auf Film noch nie ausgesehen.«

The separation for Arris Alexa 35 and Mini LF cameras are intended to increase the appearance of the production. The room is robust and reliable in a Live Multicam workflow and can with its most dynamic dynamics, its color wisdom and its low-light performance be the first Wahl for the room, which delivers visually induced images for the live maintenance of wollen. Ehrmann has his Wahl further: »Arri cameras are my first Wahl for Multicam concert production. The Alexa 35 and the Mini LF model are untouched and can also be brought to the market by others. Watch Billy and Madison Square Garden for this production with pleasure!» Show Director Paul Dugdale commented: “I look at the Arri cameras, and with the whole palette in our original Concert films, from Alexas to Minis to my Alexa 65s. Ich may look at the art and the well-being, how the Drehen in the light of the hand, was of course very high-end by Concert films. In 2011 the first war with the Arri cameras was integrated into a large multi-room Dreh, and it is my first room, which wants to be in the right place.
»The unglazed deep and bright color of the room makes my lighting design so effective and powerful. It is a film made with the bloom of August – that is not the case. The technology of Arri is a dramatic look at the growth, the man at live concerts is now no longer visible.« … re-garden/

The Chamber awarded Billy Joel an Emmy nomination for 100. Madison Square Garden Concert ein.