
Camping zum Open Flair Eschwege: Food sharing together Lebensmittel

Camping zum Open Flair Eschwege: Food sharing together Lebensmittel

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Camping zum Open Flair Eschwege: Food sharing together Lebensmittel
Abgeben or mitnehmen: Am Foodsharing-Stand der Initiatorinnen Lisa Uhlich (left) und Lisa Görlich were Lebensmittel der Flair-Camper gesammelt en wieder verilt. © Marius Gogolla

After the camp at Open Flair in Eschwege there will be plenty of fans care available. Das Foodsharing works together with this lifestyle and is waiting for it.

Eschwege – Dosenravioli, Grillzeug or Gemüse en Früchte – for the days on the camping site lies the Flair-Besucher ein. Doch wohin mit dem, wat nicht gessen wird? If you use the Foodsharing stand on the camping site, you are aiming at half of the formed Foodarea. Lisa Görlich and Lisa Uhlich are both initiators who give a hint about the Lebensmittelrettung – they are aware of the Flair in 2018.

“Über 50 Prozent der noch essbaren Lebensmittel, die in Müll landen, kostenlos in Privathaushalt an,” said Lisa Görlich. “That was so, it was thrown away at the Flair-Campingplatz.” Insgesamt became in Germany pro year rund 11 Millionen Tonnen noch essbare Lebensmittel entsorgt. While Lisa and Lisa worked together, the idea of ​​​​the Flair-Organizer from before was the Verantwortlichen soft feeling. “We have presented a concept and were presented with Open Flair directly,” said Lisa Uhlich. “We continue to build more and become more professional.”

The war is now a small team of volunteers, which supports the Foodsharing-Stand. Mittlerweile is the crew and dies both Lisas on 15 Helfer angewachsen. The Lebensmittelretterinnen and -retters are no longer so good, some people and Besuchern also die Möglichkeit, free Lebensmittel mitsunehmen. „It is a passion for everything we want, die Leute müssen is also not lost, if we see a life of a woolly wolves“, says Lisa Görlich, while she is a festival start with a fresh nectarine. „You can a bowls and a connection to something or more.“ Moreover, the Flair-Campern of Früchte and Gemüse believes, so Lisa Uhlich. “It’s just as good as a snack, but anything is possible, a canned food and a grilled meal are good to eat.” With the food sharing team in mind, our food sharing team will be happy to help you.

Most of the lives will take place at the festivals and the montage, when the relationships and the secret journey take place. Was it passion with the sustenance, which ben ende n’t mitnimmt anymore? “We bargain together with the Tafel Eschwege”, says Lisa Görlich. “The whole life after the end of the festivals has begun, it is closed, but also the things we can do will disappear.” The Foodsharing initiative is active in Germany and has raised 150,000 dollars. When a festival takes place, Lisa and Lisa participate in the cooperation partners with supermarkets, hotels and canteens. Ziel is the Foodsharing-Netzwerk out, so Lisa Uhlich. A function of the Open Flair is the following: “We always have more fun and we get really positive feedback from festival guests.” (Marius Gogolla)