
Family friends in Miskolc – Budapester Zeitung

Family friends in Miskolc – Budapester Zeitung

Bosch Group

The Tochtergesellschaft der ungarische Bosch-Gruppe in de Ostungischen Industriestadt Miskolc will continue to carry the title “Family Friendly Ort” until Frühjahr 2026.

Die Robert Bosch Energy and Body Systems Kft. in Miskolc fertigt Kraftfahrzeugcomponents and electric Antriebe for conventional, hybrid and electric cars and Fahrräder. Neben de Kraftfahrzeugcomponents is the major product category of the eBike business. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt heute nahezu 2,900 Mitarbeiter and hat knapp 100 local Zulieferer.

Women all natural

The production of F+E products was carried out during production and the technical interest was great. In Miskolc, it is of course not the case that women are resigned in technical terms, so in Schichtbetrieb wie in Büro and in Management. As one of the 150 auditors that Robert Bosch heard in Miskolc 2019, it is Zertifikat „Family-friendly Place“, followed by successful reservations in the years 2022 and 2024, so that is the Sign and the title „Family-friendly Place“ until his Frühjahr 2026 weiter führen Darf.

Auf den Arbeitgeber ist Verlass

Being able to work with children can also help them cope with the workload, including childcare and kindergarten. Anknüpfend and the Erfolg der Vergangen Jahre, children’s camps were organized at the Kollegen auch in Summer to unterstützen. One of the Zentralen Werte von Bosch is, the Menschen, in the Mittelpunkt zu rücken. It is one of the best things that the family finds on the Arbeitsalltag, and how a government of maßnahmen eingeführt, which solchen Mitarbeitern ermöglichen, Beruf and Family langfristig miteinander zu vereinbaren. Beispiele sind Teilzeitarbeit, ab 4 Stunden am Tag, Occasion- oder Fernarbeit, Unterstützung bei der Kinderbetreuung and ermäßigte Tarife for Ferienlager. Under the brand name, a young Mütter is placed, which has the Mutterschaftsurlaub zurückkehren, with an Einschichtsystem and lighter work. If the decision is made more freely, the workers will be better served by their mentors on their next page.