
So it’s one of the Medizintechniker Philips

So it’s one of the Medizintechniker Philips

Action Analysis: So it is one of the Medizintechniker Philips

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From the Dutch Group Philips, which is going to work at ASML, doctors are working on one of the best transformation processes here and the strategy of the investors. Positively reviewed Quarterly numbers read the Philips-Anleger derzeit-allerdings wieder Morgenluft wittern. We make the check.

See them Tief im März schoss die Philips-Action for around 43 percent above. Do you think that the paper of the traditional traditions has reached the end of the history or the development of the Turnaround Story? Der Check.

  • ISIN code: NL0000009538
  • Branch: Health technology
  • Market capitalization: 24.8 Billion Euro
Royal Philips - Aktuelle Börsen-News
Royal Philips - Finanzen100

The Market

A mulled beer began in 1912 with the establishment of Philips with a prosperous electrotechnical group. 1927 followed the introduction in the Medizintechnik. Although technology often plays a major role, this is often a profitable enterprise.

An end to the rental that we could make, began with the evil Vorstandschef Frans van Houten, the Konglomeration of filets. In 2014 Philips continued with TV-Sparte, in 2018 the man with the Beleuchtungsgeschäft and 2021 zog sich Philips from the segment Haushaltsgeräte zurück. If there is a bad electrical energy, it is important that the electric lighting and the light bulbs of the Medizintechnik use everything in the brain, it is no longer so. There are no more products available in the Medizintechnik-Sparte, which works on the products of our personal health care with electrical appliances and rassiers. There is a separation that is committed as rightly erwist.

In the health technology market, Philips is betting on the global economy and war 2023 of the largest patent reporter in the medical technology segment in Europe. If the intelligent intelligence (AI) has one of the most important risks for its time, the group is ready to go and is now its own global market leader in the field of software, data and AI applications for medical technology problems. With the previous payout, Philips invested 1.7 billion euros in research and development in one year – more than the branch cut. The focus and the legitimate position on the medical technology watch market are in this category a plus point in general.

The Bilanz

If you have rent arrears, this is possible. In April, the cost of the US dollar for an American milk price is worth about 1.1 billion dollars, while the cost of the US dollar has risen. The uncertainty about the financial risks on the back of the Beatmungsgeräten is too great. Let the sparks of the active group bosses Roy Jakobs continue to go in the Wirkung. Die Ertragslage verbessert sich.

I have been associated with Philips for two quarters, with a turnover of 876 million euros. Philips benefits from a security provision for the health care products. Aber auch das operator Geschäft läuft wieder solid. There is a huge turnover from 265 to 495 million euros and the loss of analyst support. The result is a constant Ebitda margin of 11.1 percent. The result is a gain with 452 Million Euro so you can expect more as soon as possible. A positive development at the entrance of the Philips management to the best annual forecast for 2024. Analysts expected a gain of 48 percent for the overall results. By the Umsatz with three Prozent nur gemächlich zuegen soll, you spricht on a German Erholung der Margen.

It is a free cash flow that is put under pressure, while the money from the turnover yields more and more dividends or dividend payments. All in all, the Bilanz is solid and the rentability after a number of years back in the course of time on the way of improvement. There is a bigger plus point in that Abschnitt is right but not. Do you see it with the future Wachstums story?

The Story

The Wachstum is zurück, after the Medizintechnikkonzern has not come so right vom Fleck war, divided the Unternehmen in two quarters since there is a year after a year an Anstieg des Auftragseingangs. All information is available on the basis of basic, detailed preparation and portfolio preparation. I am Umsatz kam davon bisher niece fell a. Die Erlöse blieben mit beef 4.5 Billiarden Euro im Zweiten Quartal aber immerhin auf Vorjahre Level.

For the rest, in North America, the German orders are being placed. Philips was able to form a more strategic partnership with Bon Secours Mercy Health, one of the largest US health care providers. The Netherlands offers the latest patient monitoring solutions for 49 hospital units in the association. If you use a computer with an AI-powered platform for ultra-fast cardiovascular functions, you can use the advanced intelligence of the computer to achieve the German reduction of the soll.

Where Philips can also use the German market in the US, the wind can go further for the Chinese company. The best immune fight against corruption can prevent most of the Krankenhäuser in the orders that occur most in the future. Philips itself is convinced that the structure of the Chinese technology in China will not last long and that the Reich der Mitte will come in the kommenden who will lead part of the research to a new basis. If one of the Chinese companies makes a positive development with regard to a future economy, most analysts will come from the US, who will follow the economy over the years and will walk relatively parallel to the gesamtmarkt that they will lead.

The action

If you see the fragmentation, has the positive reporting in the action after the young Kursfeuerwerk become possible? What is the new Impulse bowls? Schauen will be one of the most recent chart technical momentums. Most of the MACD indicator said that the young Kurssprung end of July was a kaufsignal, was a fortsetzung of the upward bewegungspricht.

The aftermath of investments in the rule of law in the US can show the investors of the investors more on the fundamental data of the profit. It is very important that the corkscrew has an unjustified warming. When the experts of Goldman Sachs see the young Quarterly results of the improved situation in the Vordergrund-rücken and their profit forecasts in the high schraubten, the analysts of the house JP Morgan will be back. You can take a break at the recommendation of Philips in the kitchen, at Siemens Healthineers or GE Healthcare Technologies, for judicial investigation. Before we all in the comparison of the sub-value small margins and capital yields the exit for the lasting evaluation. When the J.-P.-Morgan analysts left the fragmentation, if the situation of Philips would change again, the active Sparprogramma 2025 was launched. Around 10,000 work places would be deconstructed in the station, of which about 8,000 have been lost.

Schauen will make us the Bevaluation once more genuer. In the course of profit-making relationships, the course of book value relationships and the course of substitution relationships Philips is the pride of the past course of events nor among the branch-through cuts. All things in the capitalization of the consequences. Daher is not the question, which has left the Abschlag in Zukunft. The experts of JP Morgan are no longer busy with a buyout sum of 30 percent of the turnover and the ebitda in the Medical Technology Sector as exit point and come up with a course of 24.70 Euro for the coming months. Goldman Sachs hat has its own course of Philips days at a party of 35 Euro. If one of the predictions is a clearer prediction, the blick in the trend can be a greater anhaltspunkt. In consideration of the historical considerations of our knowledge of the truth of Philips’ basis for 2025, nor a beef 21.3 percent. The theoretical fair value of the promotion is from 31 Euro.

In the warming trend

The least chart-technical focus on Philips activities fell before a further setback in the rally.


An analysis by Philips analysts has given a positive result, reaching the right level of the cooking level. For the trading of companies, profitability will increase and Philips in healthcare, especially in healthcare of Siemens Healthineersnor moderately assessed. The large damage to the damage burden is estimated, or amounts to a maximum of 1.1 billion dollars. It is a positive development when it comes to a company that the Chinese government schneller than there has difficulty with.

That’s what the experts say

  • buy/hold/sell: 7/13/2
  • Highest price: 35 euros
  • Lowest price: 24 euros
  • Consensus amount: 27 euros
  • BUY

The warnings that China is doing everything at the moment are the Key technology that can no longer be used. Dazu is in the area of ​​medical technology. Philips experiences can solve the problem if they are maximally erweise. Everything in general offers two long possibilities for the action, while the Kursfantasie supports the strong competition, the undisturbed winning effect and the fact that they are very well protected. If someone new is in a situation, then there is a backlash in confusion.