
To find heraus: Simple welding for a longer lifespan

To find heraus: Simple welding for a longer lifespan

Brazilian Forschende has a longer life. Was flexibility with long life, which is the best here.

A Brazilian study said there is a high level of attention to a longer life cycle.

The specialist of the Klinik für Sportmedizin in Rio de Janeiro has the Zusammenhang zwischen körperlicher Flexibilit und der Sterblichkeit im mittleren Alternative – and that is the Ergebnisse.

In ihrer Analyze de Forschenden 3,139 Men und Women in Alter von 46 tot 65 Jahren über een Zeitraum von 13 Jahren.

There are fundamental data with weight, weight and change which are the so-called Flexindex. This index lacks the flexibility in the different of equals and visibility from zero to 80 points. The Flexindex serves as an indicator for the Beweglichkeit and can pose a Früh-warning system for the Lebenserwartung questions.

So unterschiedlich schneiden Männer und Frauen ab

The study has an important significance for flexibility and livelihood.

People who overload the Beobachtungszeitraum can use a cut to increase the Flexindex if they die.

Especially with women with a new Flexindex is the best way to quickly set higher standards. If men think that the Risiko comes from Germany, if they are flexible.

It is also worth noting that the study found that women aged 61 and 65 were more flexible than young men aged 46 and 50.

Live Longer: These Fragments Extinguish

If you are doing research into a flexible and adaptable lifestyle, you can make a little effort.

  • The Forscher butts are not clear, but the new flexibility focuses on the whole life or on a complete symptom of another problem with its calcification.
  • It is unclear what training people with low flexibility can mean.

So trainierst du deine Flexibility

There are many recent offers, the Kraft and Beweglichkeit together that improve the Körperbalance and the Risk for Stürze and Verletzungen senken.

If you want to study, you can create a program for your work in the minutes, a way to express your opinion and thus find the Wohlbefinden on the scaffolding.

One of the first things that is in the Boden is that the band keeps going further and mobilizing the gelenke.