
Düsseldorf-Benrath: Realschule feiert Richtfest – Benrather Rochade

Düsseldorf-Benrath: Realschule feiert Richtfest – Benrather Rochade

Another individual Schritt is tanned. The new Benrather Realschule feierte am Mittwoch Richtfest. The Baufortschritt and the unique address Marbacher Straße 114 is enormous. Then it will be a year ago that the Grundsteinlegung for the Realschule and the Schloß-Gymnasium took place. Letzteres hatte schon im April Richtfest and is now gauging the Umzug für Anfang 2025 an. Aber auch die Realschüler sollen womöglich noch in Schuljahr 2024/25 ihre Sachen packen können.

Ekkehard Vinçon, technical representative of the city’s real estate companies IDR (Industrieterrains Düsseldorf-Reisholz), right with the Fertigstellung im kommenden Mai.

Nor is the Rohbau weiterhin ungerüstet. Whoever gets rid of the debt is a cleaner. A single product can be sold. Um das Gebäude vom benachbarten Gymnasium optically abzusetzen, where the Realschule with hellbeigen and sandfarbenen Klinkern verseshen; The Klinker des Schloß-Gymnasiums is anthrazitefarben. Between the two debts, the connecting element is the Vierfachsporthalle, which is then used from both Lehranstalten, aber auch von Vereinen in Düsseldorfer Süden.

Jens Kock, leader of the Realschule, was uninterested in the funstöckigen, who were brought to a higher level. “So rightly one can’t believe it anymore”, said there. If the Vorfreude is a natural groß, in the Lehrerkollegium, which is located in the Schülerschaft.

Zwei Schüler has done his best with the Richtfestijn. Sarah from Klasse is not enthusiastic, schon alleenin van dem hallenartigen Entrance range. Dort is a larger Cube as Stage for Schulaufführungen entstanden. It is a good idea to visit a sitzstufenanlage in an amphitheater as Freitreppe, a place for the pregnant sisters and the Zuschauerplatz.

A real highlight is the Schüler on the Dach. While it is another debt court, walk 2.40 meters high and a football cage, a complete a smaller football field with the distance up to 15 meters. The square has two basketball courts.

If Destiny from Class Zehn Davon hears, it is a big augen. There is 2.07 meters gross and a natural basketball game. If the Real-Schuldach wants to earn more money, while the Schule has been blamed, it is worth spending the summer, but this will never happen. „The power is fast a bisschen wütend“, says it is a augenzwinkern.

Was op de Dach als Fläche niet genutzt, would become so. Install a photovoltaic system, which offers the air-heat pump quality, with the debt burden. Before the Lehrerschaft can begin, the Schule can paint in a Tiefgarage. Dort, in the elementary school, is a gymnasium with gyms, the sports hall is erreichen.

Mayor Stephan Keller, city director Burkhard Hintzsche and Zahlreichen Gästen of politics and the Wirtschaft, who waged war, were about the pace of the Ausbaus. The size of the investments that brought in 186 million euros for the gymnasium and the Realschule, so Keller, would reward the city of Düsseldorf from the debts and the erziehung-beimesse.

Itself performed by a richtfeest of the üblichen ritual. So had to Vertreter von Stadt, Bauträger and an architect Katrin Wollenweber nails in a prepared wooden beam hammer. And Jaap Agteresch, project manager at Ten Brinke, of the successful firm, worked together with Janika Webers on Baugerüst that followed the tradition of the Richtfestansprache. And if most richtkrones end up in the higher world, there is a great chance of big projects.

The Realschule will be a Human Haben in the Erdgeschoss of the Aula. Schon heute is one of the great ones who recognize light architecture, gleichwohl here and everything is concrete gray. I have the impression that humans are in the testing phase. For all employees – workers, managers, builders, guests and project managers – there is a first major debt burden.