
Taylor Swift: A “Girl Power” Bracelet for an “Anti-Hero”

Taylor Swift: A “Girl Power” Bracelet for an “Anti-Hero”

“Vienna is a Swiftie, whoooooo!”, it’s jetzt from the Corneliusgasse, we have a Baby in the heart of Taylor’s Song Me! is thrown into the arms of a woman in the bedroom. One of the most important things that has struck the baby is that both police officers, who are in the stream of gas, are wearing dark blue-red bullseyes.

“Die sind alle ganz friedlich here.”, erzählt Beamtin Nummer eins, gesträhnter Kurzhaarschnitt, pinkfarbene Fake-Nails. “Auch die Anrainer (Wienerisch für Anwohner, Anm. d. Ed.) said sich verständnisvoll, da meckert kaum einer.”