
In wird 80: Wolfgang Joop creates “das Unkontrollierbare” on Altern

In wird 80: Wolfgang Joop creates “das Unkontrollierbare” on Altern

On November 18, Wolfgang Joop feinten ganz besonderen Meilenstein: signals 80. Geburtstag. Although we are happy that the fashion designer works in the Ruhestand, that is true. “I don’t care about my work. I enjoy my work as well as my work”, it is clear in the magazine and that the work is better than a head piece.

Kaal 80: Wolfgang Joop develops himself with his own vergänglichkeit

Trotz seines Optimismus gibt Joop auch z, dass das Altern nicht immer light ist. “I don’t know what to do, 80 years old,” is insulted. If it were not civilized, it would be uncontrolled in the Altern: “These are lost, that is Gefühl, that happened with my, if I could not control and was not known.” Man sei yes schließlich das first Mal alto.

Der Modedesigner is an “alte white man” and Sahra Wagenknecht

Joop said Blatt for the Mund, when he was a gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen-geht. When someone sees “other white men” with a white background, they often see “an ugly thing and the reason you have a head and a faucet.” Ebenfalls critical of the singer Howard Carpendale at “Maischberger” on “alte white men”.

Joop said on Über Politik: “You can gain power and have success.” But it was a great success: Sahra Wagenknecht. “It’s annoying – and it’s a toll,” says Joop. Privately, Wolfgang Joop settles on a man and a signalman page, in his first experience, after cheating on his ex-wife.

Luxury labels JOOP! and Child Wonder

Born in Potsdam in 1944, he shares an unparalleled career with Joop, who is based on the Gründung signal marke JOOP! started. In 2018, Joop Wieder lived in his hometown of Potsdam, where he lived in the beautiful Villa Rumpf am Heiligen See, where the first Zentrum seines Labels “Wunderkind” were. Obwohl is 2017 von “Wunderkind” trennte, bleibt Potsdam een ​​Ort fuller Inspiration and Erinnerungen.