
Generation X and millennials have higher creditworthiness as an alternative

Generation X and millennials have higher creditworthiness as an alternative

Overweight and co.

Robert Klatt

In Millennials, the German Krebsarten will often appear when they are the older baby boomers. One of the main characters is a higher weight and a lighter person in the young generation.

Atlanta (USA). In the gilded Krebs, the main points of the mutations, the flow and the damages in Zellen, we can change everything as an alternative. Most early recognition searches were only carried out in Germany after 50 years. A study from the Zhejiang University School of Medicine, which was published in the Fachmagazin BMJ Oncology, said in 2023 that there are more young people and credits who all have a Darmkrebs, Lungkrebs and Brustkrebs.

Forscher of the American Cancer Society (ACS) has now conducted a more detailed study of Krebsarten in Generation X and Millennials. If you have received a medical diagnosis of 23.6 million credit patients between the ages of 25 and 84, your credit diagnosis was performed, analyzed in the period from 2000 to 2019. The data is intended to be managed continuously by the younger generations for 17 of the 34 years.

“These experiences are important to ensure that you have an excellent health risk in the generations of the Baby Boomer and that you will be grateful for your healthy digestion and the adiposity associated with Krebsarten umfasst wird.”

Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs, Dünndarmkrebs and Nierenkrebs

Laut der Pubblikation im Fachmagazin The Lancet Public Health erkranken Millennials je nach Krebsart zwolf tot 167 Prozent häufiger als Babyboomern, die in de 1950er-Jahren were born. Besonders is grim in his Risiko für Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs, Dünndarmkrebs and Nierenkrebs. Place the steps with young people Leberkrebs, Brustkrebs, Dickdarmkrebs sowie Blowcrabs. stomach crabs, Ovarian Crayfish and Behavioral disease first up.

Other Krebsarten step on young people seltener. This is the reason that the problem lies with smokers. While the autoren die, the younger generations will learn the risks of smokers and consume seltener cigarettes.

Higher Krebsraten through Lebensstil?

It may be that there are credits with young people, who can now do the study. The Forscher stops washing the water, it is a new lifestyle in the fresher Lebensfase that is responsible.

“Bisher has not put an end to the research, where the Rats rise. After the ornaments of the young generations have grown, the child has become in childhood or in the young generations of a higher generation with a growing factor.”

The Wissenschaftler has started to reach the 17 Krebsarten, who, among Millennials after their overweight growth, the welfare organization (WHO) in Europe has been affected by epidemic Ausmaße erreicht, verbunden sind. Dazu zählen Darmkrebs, Magenkrebs, Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs, Leberkrebs, Nierenkrebs are Blasenkrebs and the best Brustkrebsarten.

“There are 17 people with a healthy lifestyle for young people since they are less likely to be overweight.”

Weitere Entwicklung der Krebszahlen

If we investigate Forscher, there is even more data that is not so good, one of the Ursachen of the high Krebsarten is not able to buy and make a forecast, but even for the young generation Z with even higher Krebsarten that are their rights.

“There is no data that requires urgent note, the risk tower for these credits must be identified, but with the prevention strategies that we can think of.”

BMJ Oncology, doi: 10.1136/bmjonc-2023-000049

The Lancet Public Health, doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(24)00156-7