
In-depth 23-Base ExTiX 24.8 Live Linux with Synaptic Package Manager and Google Chrome Visible Light

In-depth 23-Base ExTiX 24.8 Live Linux with Synaptic Package Manager and Google Chrome Visible Light

ExTiX 24.8 live Linux (Image source: ExTiX Linux - The ultimate Linux system)
ExTiX 24.8 live Linux (Image source: ExTiX Linux – The ultimate Linux system)

ExTiX 24.8 supports stabilization of Deepin 23-Distribution and installs Kernel 6.10.3-amd64-exton, which stabilizes Kernel 6.10.3. Deepin-Browser works with Google Chrome 127.0.6533.119-1. I am looking at Deepin 23 with ExTiX 24.8 via Synaptic Package Manager.

Anyway, deep in 23 published, a Linux distribution, which has a great utility for everyone in China. Deepin is based in Wuhan, China, and uses other own web browsers, the Deepin Browser. This is an application in Deepin 23 that is now on the Chinese version, if you want to use English as the main language. ExTiX 24.8 has solved this problem, which restores a Live Linux platform on the basis of Deepin 23, it can be used directly or installed on a festive installation.

From Kernel 6.10. 3-amd64-exton, a modified version of Kernels 6.10. 3 from, which is used in ExTiX 24.8 and is based on Deepin 23. ExTiX is a Live Linux distribution, which has a great added value. Nutzer can install on its own live platform on the basis of deep 23 installations with the tool Refracta Snapshot. If you boot the Live system, you can install ExTiX 24.8 with the Refracta installer or the deep installer on a festive installation.

Use Google Chrome 127.0.6533.119-1 for the Deepin Browsers with ExTiX 24.8 and the reliable Synaptic Package Manager. If you want to achieve the maximum speed and investigate the most professional skills, you can start the start option “Alternative 2” (loaded in the Arbeitsspeicher) or “Advanced” (Expanded). If the system is satisfied with the loading of the Arbeitsspeicher, the boot from a DVD or the USB launch can be used.

If all goes well, ExTiX 24.8 is the only “good” English Live version of Deepin 23. A practical application for most Linux answers is a Mauspad, the shortcuts and improvements for the Linux command line say. The XL Mauspad (80 x 30 cm) from Glittery Garden is available at Amazon and offers a price of 25.95 Euro.

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