
ARD: Bommes jokes about Olympia-Zweite – “Sie haben uns erschreckt”

ARD: Bommes jokes about Olympia-Zweite – “Sie haben uns erschreckt”

“Damage, damage, damage,” says reporter Holger Sommer. “Damage, damage, damage,” pflichtete Alexander Bommes mitsfühlend at. In der Tat, the Bronze Duelle in the Tischennis (Team) and the Men’s Basketball ended with the German Fan-Zicht not on the plant. Take the word with the “Holz-Medaille” for Platz vier. Both teams can practice the best performances in their sport, while they are sweeter, war a great pride. “Es tut so weh,” said Korbjäger Dennis Schröder. The Powerküken Annett Kaufmann has the tendency to cook.

If you want to achieve a positive result. Esther Henseleit found the first Olympic silver medal for Germany in Golf. I am golf! The sensational act takes place all the time. Over days. It is impossible to do all the runs in the upper midfield, while during your four-day event you experience a cool 66er run and the power of the competition in the top group. Greetings to the handball and basketball player: Stress should not be secondary, brutal. In golf, the hours range from “Suddenly medal chances, what is it then?” to “Madness, historical silver”. When the time finally comes, let loose in the clubhouse, at the end of the Triumph festival.

“Esther has been given the name of the tags”, Alex Bommes showed in Studio, while Sedlaczek came together. “The one in silver, the other in mint.” Yes, it is perhaps, if Sedlaczek is wanted at the Konkurrenz and if the Sakko of ZDF expert Per Mertesacker has been cut, that is both a law that the EM has lost. The Witz does not want Sedlaczek in his place – and “entließ” Bommes briefly.

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Alexander Bommes taunts Malaika Mihambo: “Sie haben uns erschreckt”

“That’s it,” Esther said to Alex. “Für ever?”, he grumbled. „Hoffentlich nicht, du bleibst uns hoffentlich therehalten.“ If you stay empty, you will remember it, that is the 15. Olympia-Tag sein letzter sein würde. Kein Bommes meer in Olympia-Tagesmenü.

Aber der Mann would not like it if it were gestaltet. Highlights were the interviews with Olympiasiegerin Yemisi Ogunleye and the Weitsprung-Zweiten Malaika Mihambo. That’s what Bommes had to scoff at the first time: “Who are we, after the Schrecken, den Sie us all eingejagt haben?”

Schließlich were mihambo nach ihrem Silber-Satz per Rollstuhl aus dem Stadion be schoben. “We have a real shock,” said Bommes, who said Mihambo could say: “I’m Wettkampf, and I didn’t notice anything after the adrenaline had disappeared, because of jetzt auf gleich. It is more dramatic when there is a war,” the athlete of the sporting nation, who was killed by Corona, could say.

Premiere thanks to Yemisi Ogunleye: Bibel-TV in ARD-Sport-Studio

There can be no talk of the Medienwelt about Yemisi Ogunleye, the new Superstar. And that is the good Grund. The woman, the first Gold Medal in the Kugelstoßen since 1996 (mother: Astrid Kumbernuss), can not go more than 20 meters further in Grüne knallen. Sondern: everything. Singing gospels, at the victory ceremony are very good and gleichzeitig sing the hymn, and witzig and intelligent parlieren. I am an interview for a premiere: Bibel-TV in Olympia-Studio der ARD!

Edelmetall für Deutschland in Paris

These athletes and athletes won Olympic medals

The „Tools“ (Bommes) in the dramatic Kugelstoß-Showdown were „Ruhe und Kraft durch meinen christlichen Glauben“, as well as the content of Bommes’ Nachfrage auch gleich ihren Lieblingpsalm with: John 3, Verse 16. „Denn Gott hat die Welt so if it’s good, it’s just a matter of time.” Besser als jedes Bibelfernsehen, besser als Urbi und Orbi van Ostern or van Weihnachten.

Bommes and Ogunleye work with the new Glauben experts, which is not that easy. Bommes hatte schon einen Suspect: “We said, ‘I will not have a medal, Gott’, but it will not be there.” And Ogunleye said: “Got is not a Kaugummi-Automat, in den je was pureschmeißt and kriegst gleich dein Result. I think it is not right, but it is wise to insult Armenia. Were in fragment, one answer was obtained.”

Laws, hasn’t it been a long time since a message was sent? When Comedians dare to play with Franziskus …

Claud Lufen and Frank Busemann: Zärtlichkeiten zum Abschied

It is a war of emotions. Gianmarco Tamberi is no longer Italian Garen-nicht-mal-so-Hochspirnger Gianmarco Tamberi, who in a few minutes in the Armen wauld through the Italian Leichtathletik-Mannschaft.

Son of Claus Lufen and Frank Busemann. “It was fine with this, I was missing,” Lufen said, and then both died suddenly and silently in the arm. Schön, Esther and Basti’s biggest trauma. (tsch)