
Maya Leinenbach bought live in Stuttgart: So what’s the deal with German vegan vegan Food-Bloggerin

Maya Leinenbach bought live in Stuttgart: So what’s the deal with German vegan vegan Food-Bloggerin

On stage, Maya Leinenbach quickly finishes. There are 20 fans who played 20 years ago: 3.8 million people followed the channel “Fitgreenmind” on Instagram, 1.7 million on TikTok. Your vegan recipes also go down well in the theater.

Sebastian Jutisz

18.08.2024 – 15:16

Gerade 20 years ago, Maya Leinenbach alt, before she started her career and her first own home in Stuttgart. If the Saarland is exuberant or voluptuous, their appearance picture is also not interesting. A trotzdem is the Germany’s most popular Food-Bloggerin.