
Eisenach: Gebäude der früheren Großraumdisco MAD in Flammen

Eisenach: Gebäude der früheren Großraumdisco MAD in Flammen

In Eisenach, the building of the former Großraumdisco MAD in the city of Stregda burned down on Sunday afternoon. If the police fight the fire brigade during the midnight hour, then fire in the neighboring buildings will be solved. The main building has the power over the fire brigade control, but it is a simple war. An excess of flames in another area can prevent the fire brigade from letting the police. The damage can be estimated at up to 100,000 euros. No one was injured.

Der Brand in de ehemalige Ziegelei unmittelbar an der B19, die früher als Autobahn 4 door Eisenach verlief, war am Sonnabend Nachmittag ausgebrochen. Schnell has a large Rauchsäule über dem Areal, which will be used as a Großraumdisco until 2010. Households are rented, windows and windows are closed. Do not hesitate to contact the Police for help. A report is made of a Sprecher am Sonntagmorgen, there is Zeugenhinweise. Details are not true. Brandursachenermittler der Polizei will anchor the Brandstelle am Sonntag.

2005 in der jetzt abbebbrannten Location open net

Das MAD hatte seine Türen in der einstigen Ziegelei 2005 geöffnet en galt bis zur Schließung als grote Discothek Thüringens, die in Veranstaltungsnächten jeweils more tausend Besucher anzog. Eröffnet becomes war from MAD 1995 in an Einkaufszentrum in Stadtteil Hötzelsroda. 2004 the Betreiber aus – na de Darstellung hatte der Vermieter versucht, de Pacht zu verdreifachen. After a year’s hiatus, the MAD is gone.

Cross-regional wars are no longer possible in the field of Marketing, the knowledge we have received from Eisenach. There are powers that are betreiber on the way to digital Security and Payment systems. Every disco goer can concern himself with buying a chip card, with the possibility of it. The bets were damned, we wanted the war and it was verzehrte. If the war is suspended, you inform the system of the security team about a number of things, but it is the guest who could continue to work in the future. There is a system where 62 rooms are present in the disco.