
Neuer Burger-Spot in Innenstadt eröffnet

Neuer Burger-Spot in Innenstadt eröffnet

Am Samstag launched a new Burger-Kette in the Kölner Innenstadt with “Boring Burger”. Weitere Laden in Hamburg and Munich will follow.

Cologne – Burger-Fans aufgepasst! The new Fastfood-Kette “Boring Burger” is on display at Samstag Cologne City center opened.

Das Fleisch is in the foreground "Boring burger".

The meat is in the foreground at “Boring Burger”. © Instagram/boringburger_ (Screenshot)

Program soll der außergewöhnliche Name alldings nicht signal!

Ganz in de Genteil: The new Burger-Spot will inspire food enthusiasts with Smashburgers and how they can make the Werbetrommel appear powerfully in the weeks before the official Eröffnung.

One of the most expensive things that the Saturday has determined: Before they loaded onto Breite Straße, the citizen fans collected money, one of the first 100 people who have a free probe of the courage to stop.

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“Fantastic Neuigkeiten”: Kölner Kult-Kneipe dare but geöffnet bleiben!

Was it even a Smashburger? I think it’s Fleisch, at work with Salat and Tomate, that’s being looked at.

Cologne now of Anfang: New branches in Hamburg and Munich are being planted

Mitten auf der Breite Stra e in der Kölner Innenstadt is the new Burger-Spot to find.

Mitten auf der Breite Stra e in der Kölner Innenstadt is the new Burger-Spot to find. © Henning Kaiser/dpa

When the patty is on the grill, the soda can become an intensely crispy crust.

To start, “Boring Burger” offers a variety of burgers – as well as two potato variations and. The menu is very small, the Gründer-Duo Luca Breuer and Anna Schlecht are “” with.

In common, the duo has a real “colourful” history of history: With the Zimtschnecken-Kette “Cinamood” can provide both Domstädter with German landscape for their home.

Construction work since debt: Bahnstrecke between Cologne and Bonn one day
Cologne Local
Construction work since debt: Bahnstrecke between Cologne and Bonn one day

A model, which is now on the Burger-Spot, becomes like this: Neben der Filiale in der Kölner City is still loaded in Hamburg and Munich.