
Handball trauma weeks: Deutsche U18 plays for gold | Sports mix

Handball trauma weeks: Deutsche U18 plays for gold | Sports mix

At 1:30 p.m., Deutschlands banged Handball-Fans are TV or mobile endgeräten. The Auswahl of the German Handball Bundes (DHB) wins Top-Favorit Denmark and Gold both 2024 Olympic Games. Aktuell is a traumatic experience for the world-largest Handball-Dachverband.

German U18 played a handball gold

Schauplatz is the U18 Europameisterschaft in Podgorica (Montenegro). That great stage for talent. Spielerberater is het Urlaub met de Familie extra Dorthin verlegt, een Auge auf de Nachwuchs got its money’s worth. Damage, that Hallen is not full since.

Bosse von Klubs from the Daikin-Handball-Bundesliga has fallen for Ort. A German Mannschaft is located in the second Turnierwoche dort. Der 27:23 (19:9)-Sieg gegen Frankreichbrachte Platz 1 in Gruppe B und den Einzug in Hauptrundengruppe G. Best Werfer for the DHB: Jan Mudrow (MTV Braunschweig) 7/2, Jan Grüner (Füchse Berlin) 6, Leonard Zink (TSV Hannover-Burgdorf) 4.

Final and halftime position if the Grund-dafür, the Bundestrainer Emir Kurtagic, after the Turnier in the Bundesliga-Aufsteiger 1. VfL Potsdam dominates, has not completely fallen into Jubelarien can: “The first Halbzeit war in the Mannschaftsteilen nahe an der Perfection. Go to the Pause 14 Fehlpässe and new technical Fehler. That’s it. With Jedem Fehler die Verunsicherung increased. I am glad that our dieser inheritance has been restored.”

In Hauptrundengruppe G since Ungarn am Montag (7.30 PM) at night Kontrahent. Weitere Gegner: Denmark (Dienstag, 5 p.m.) and Serbia (Donnerstag, 5 p.m.). Eight of the last eight, who won an EM title, represented the teams from Sweden, Spain, Island and Norway.

The two members of the two Hauptrundengruppen come to the half-final (jeweils Freitag). The Europameister is sonntag kürt. Deutschland holte diesen Title letztmals 2021 in Croatia.

Damals among others in the framework: Renars Uscins and Justus Fischer (next to TSV Hannover-Burgdorf), the Sonntag in France with Olympia-Gold games.

At Handball-WunderGerman Athletes race completely!

Bei Handball-Wunder: Deutsche Athleten race completely!

Source: BILD/Facebook