
Do they know these astonishing facts about the VW Harlekin motorcycles?

Do they know these astonishing facts about the VW Harlekin motorcycles?

The four-time Polo Harlequin from Volkswagen was thus born in a Marketing Mystery. If you are a little fragmented, when war breaks out, is it possible that the multi-colored panels are a sin? We take you now with a journey of surprises.

We all know this situation. Because the man who uses Markenkunde earns a lot of money, the perfect engine, the ideal configuration for researching and equipping, is now one of the options for making options. Do you want to find a way to distinguish yourself with grellem Gelb or Statement-Rot heraus with a subtitle blue or green in the mainstream? Here is the car brand the Tücke der Entscheidung. If many models are used, the quality of the washing machine and the rotation of the head can be improved.

The time that Polo Harlequin lasts long – manchmal also as Harlequin can lie – lies in the sprichwörtlichen Weisheit of Volkswagen’s Marketing Department begun. Although it is often possible that turbulent and fragmentary fragments arise, the money that a car earns in a clown outfit is a woolly woolen outfit, which harlequins swear by the most fragmentary stories from the market history.

We look and pretend that there is a car, but it is all a fact that the einfall of Trainees stems that the VW house is a new 6N1 polo model and Color Blocking is set, a new element of new flying models. While the Lackierung, the representative of the Farbe Blue Motor and Fahrgestell, competes with the interior and the special equipment of the models, this is characterized in rotting. Zehn Exemplare were produced, then in 1995 again zehn Pieces as Marketing vehicles, which were traveling to car dealers worldwide. This strikingly defective car war has only just begun, but it is quite a challenge to get new models of new models. After the charm of the body panels has disappeared: a lust burner that Volkswagen appeals to in this, all the wool unreliable models have done this.

A Volkswagen has a number of tattoos and after 1,000 orders for the Polo Harlequin. It is one of the most remarkable that is offered for the production line of the young production of the following products. Although the polo example is one of the production positions in the four colors, it becomes impossible to work – but there is a body composition that consists of war plans and a notorious Berücksichtigung. The four colors – Chagall Blue, Flash Red, Ginster Yellow and Pistachio Green – were spoken for all four different cars as a base color along the production line, where they were then transported to their own production line and taken elsewhere. The four unbroken basic materials light up in the profession, one of the most successful plans to follow, while the three verbs are part of the correct automatic switch-on. The concept we have found is that there is no more panel and all four colors of jedem Blickwinkel come out of his sollten. A high-level plan puzzle!

For the novice customer there is no option on the basic color, but he can use the color of the chassis, Dach, C-Säule and Schweller. Good news for Harlekin fans and optional extras available – your dieser will receive 1,000 copies with a numbered plaque and a special sticker attached to it.

From a technical verse is a part of the Meisterklasse in Sachen Marketing: The devices that run a harlequin, have a real file and no more fascination. It is expected that 4,000 Fahrzeuge in the production capacity are earned. If the model 1995 at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt Premiere feierte, the Car Body Workshop in Großraum Wolfsburg can also have its own version of the dentwickeln, so that it can be sold to the Volkswagen-werkeigenen Harlekin-Polo. Egal, then the marketing idea was stopped, but the man can die kleine autogeschichte be door de grote doel charme, noch die quirligkeit absprechen!