
12. Ipf-Cup includes Spieler and Zuschauer

12. Ipf-Cup includes Spieler and Zuschauer

In the August-Wednesday time the temperature of the Freitagnachmittag has risen to 12. Ipf-Cup at the Tennisanlage in Bopfingen stattgefunden. In the categories Men A, B and C, Men 50 and Women A and B were several female players and players from the river there. If it is Men-Doppel, it is so that the years that last a large part of the time, can be extended.

The Beteiligung war is as high as not. The tennis department of the TV Oberdorf, which is managed by the SV Eintracht Kirchheim by the TC Bopfingen, is on the market for the Wochenende zur Verfügung gestellt, but the sheer amount of teilnehmerzahl can be a huge challenge. Many players come from most football clubs, but you will see many more players who unite the WTB and from Bayern.

Ipf-Cup 2024 in Bopfingen: More information to come

The war mode of the Ko system with Nebenrunde, so war is the part taking that LK-Punkte merges. It is an exciting challenge for the Freitagnachmittag, fairs and exciting tennis matches, with so many manchen-raschungen. Both evenings can not long with Flutlicht spelielt. The final match went on until the end. The zhlreichen Zuschauer were rewarded with grandiosem Tennis.

At the Ladies A (LK 7-18) gab es dieses Jahr erneut een 16er-Feld. It is the only play category, in the four gesetzten of the feature films in the semi-final. Everything is about an overload, when the Aalener in Jule Weiß, a war four years ago, took over the power and Leonie Merz (2) of TC Heilbronn in the Turniersieg hollow made. The Nebenrunde der Damen A gewann Felicia Bihr of TC RW Nördlingen gets his teammate Veronika Schweizer.

At the Ladies B (LK 16-25) Gab is a 32er-Feld. Die a position that Sophie Langbein by SSV Ulm has formed, with Satzverlust. Place two belegde Dana Bienert (4) from TC Aalen. Die written Plätze went to Anna Ergezinger and Rosalie Joas (next to TA SV Kirchheim). The Nebenrunde der Damen B gewann Elke Schössler from TA TSV Lustenau for Lene Meyr from Nördlingen.

Zwei Nördlinger is in the Nebenrunde der Herren C ganz voor dabei

Die Men A (LK 1-12) start in a 32er-Feld. Der an Platz ein setzte Vorjahresfinalist Kim David Staiger from TC Göppingen with LK 3.2 won in a high class match against Jan-Malte Ohrmann (LK 4.3) from TC Neunkirchen. The Nebenrunde der Herren An entschied Marvin Wörner from TA TSF Welzheim for Florian Färber from TC Königsbronn for his life.

The grim besetzte 32er-Feld der Men B (LK 10-18) when you’ve found the next Bopfinger Felix Leuze. Lediglich in the Viertelfinal is a Satz ab, all other matches are great. My latest favorite is Marc Häussler from Ellwangen. De Nebenrunde der Herren Bing und Thomas Graf van der TA TV Oberdorf, voor de früheren Bopfinger Spieler Maximilian Hägele. Auch das 32er-Feld der Men C (LK 16-25) war bowel occupied. Here is the setztezte of the new Spieler Leander Wallmann from TC Heilbronn on the Platz a setztenzte of Robin Feidengruber during. The Nebenrunde der Herren C entschied der een Position three setzte Lorenz Grimmbacher from Nördlingen against Thomas Schmidt (4) from TC RW Nördlingen for themselves.

Herren-Doppel inherits greater conviction in the Ipf Cup in Bopfingen

In the 16th field Men 50 triumph in all four stages of the semi-final. Durchgesetzt is the finalist of the Vorjahres, on a Platz zwei-gesetzte Arndt Frieß from TC Heidenheim, from Jörg Weinschenk (3) from TC Aalen. Der Wettbewerb des Men’s Double Please be assured that the 16th field was fully settled. Both brothers Patrick and Janick Uhl, who play for the TC Bopfingen-spielen, competed in the final, interrogated Hartmut Strohn and Marvin Wörner.

When the siege is carried out at all parts and components, the time will take a long time before the filzkugel is filtered. Much attention was paid to the Tennis Club Bopfingen for the successful organization.