
Formal 1: Surer zweifelt een Ferrari-Entscheidung

Formal 1: Surer zweifelt een Ferrari-Entscheidung

How would Ferrari have chosen Fahrer as Lewis Hamilton’s Team College? If the evil Weltmeisters of Mercedes after the war in Maranello are clear, it is now one of the two who addresses Fahrer while they are at work. With Charles Leclerc it is a few years ago that the Ferrari was gilded, the great Durchbruch was never schafft.

Carlos Sainz, who left the team with the season lift and the fact that he took over the Williams Team, is now active in the previous platz in the WM lies. Is the war the right separation?

Expert Marc Surer responded to an interview on the YouTube channel of by the Wahl of Ferrari and said that Sainz was stubborn “certainly true”. Denn: “Charles Leclerc is the fast driver of the two, and the Sainz is the more lucky”, and the Schweizer.

Was there damn meint: Leclerc has used the higher Grundspeed, “if it wasn’t one hundred percent stimmt, then there is no irgendwo”, so Surer. Das konnte man etwa in Österreich (Platz eleven) and in Großbritannien (Platz 14) sehen. Sainz’s schlechtestes Ergebnis lautet hinggen Rang sechs.

Mental excitement like Leclerc

“There is an irrendwie on the punkt. There is winning, but there is actually no winning sollte,” says Certain and verweist dabei auf Australien, wo Sainz seine Chance nutzen konnte – oder auf Singapore in vergangenen Jahr, as the Spanier of the Einzige war, der Red Bull 2023 besieged customers.

“Ach jetzt there are still many people on the stage, the woman said: ‘Oh, we come here?’ If it is Sainz, the battle is on the Reihe,” said the Schweizer.

Before Sainz was mentally frustrated by Leclerc, he had reached the “extremely high level” when he wanted more Fehler. “There is always a limit and it is noticeable with the nerves at the limit as Sainz, the welding work.”

Sure, Sainz would have left his bench and chosen the Ferraris: “If the World Champion wants to, he has to take the fastest. And Leclerc is the fastest,” he said.

Duell on Augenhöhe with Alexander Albon?

During the Monegasse 2025 with Lewis Hamilton, it is certainly possible that the Teamduell will work with Williams. Dort Sainz with Alexander Albon, who has soared over the years, with Nicholas Latifi and Logan Sargeant, who indeed but also did not have the high messages.

“Grundsätzlich was sie vom Speed ​​​​her auf a ähnlichen Niveau signal”, but I finally went through the setszen by Sainz – a little weil is a kind of “lucky Driver” sei.

“It’s an exit from Bernie Ecclestone, who is considered ‘fast drivers and happy drivers’, and for Sainz a ‘happy driver’, and the roads will be much clearer which results in her exit,” said the expert.