
Review of Haaptsëtz vun UNRWA: D’Leed vun engem ganze Vollek

Review of Haaptsëtz vun UNRWA: D’Leed vun engem ganze Vollek

Vill Donateur-Länner hunn no der Hamas-Attack vum 7. Oktober provisoresch hir Hellefen agestallt.

Wärend-senger Visitt a Jordanien, wollt den Aussen- a Kooperatiounsminister mat senger Visitt beim UN-Hellefswierk fir palästinensesch Refugiéen (UNRWA) en Zeeche sëtzen.

“A Jordanian Ginn and 2.4 Million Registered Palästinensesch Refugiéen”see Olaf Becker, director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the Haaptstad v Jordanien. The Hellefe of the UNRWA has a social benefit of 60,000 Palestinians and 20,000 of the most Palestine refugees from Syria and other countries. The majority of the projects will affect 70 percent of those involved.

D’UNRWA had a Jordanian 161 Schools, would have 107,000 Kanner and d’Schoul, would have two women and 2 Beruffs school with 4,000 students. Geléiert ginn, ken iwwer 40 Fächer. Doriwwer has appealed to the UNRWA 25 Clinic for his ener Millioun Patiente pro Joer.

And it becomes a mat of the Jordanian Authorities-zesumeschaffen, which deals with Olaf Becker. Another example is the parallel Bildungs ​​system that establishes a Palestinian refugee organization and a Jordanian school. Once you are aware of your palästinensesch refugee concentration, this is a engem of 10 UNRWA refugee campuses. Ma d’situatioun, besonnesch fir déi jonk Leit am Land, wie schwiereg. 46 Prozent vun de Jugendlechen hätte keng Aarbecht. The Beruffsschoule starts with preparing the Marché. That’s the result.

D’UNRWA an der international Kritik

The UNRWA has seen the Ament and the schwéiere Stand, besonnesch an Israel. He is going to launch in English Prozedur, first as a terrorist organization anzestufen. Ground ass, that with the Hamas-Attack from 7. October yoort on Israel and 12 UNRWA-Mataarbechter were involved. Dorien was one of the best reproaches, who kept an eye on the UNWRA-Mataarbechter and the Gazastraif d’Hamas. Vill Donateur-Länner is a provisioner for his Hellefen age. An extreme reproach is made by Olaf Becker.

The Foreign Minister Xavier Bettel visited the time when Aarbecht was the first men’s port of the UNRWA and the region.

“One of the Gazasträif keng Schoul ouni UNWRA, kee Spidol, keng Doctors. The UNRWA is the best in Aarbecht, the state is just guaranteed”south of Xavier Bettel. Before going any further, his financial situation is one of the best ginn products. Rezent goufen zu New York op enger Donateur-Konferenz Hellefen und Heicht vun enger Millioun fir d’UNRWA deblockiert.

Vill Palästinenser hunn Heemescht in Jordan

D’People, déi d’UNRWA und Jordanien ënnerstëtzt, hu ganzënnerschiddlech Gesichten z’erzielen. More and more of the views of fear, flight, and gratitude as Jordanians cry.

“Du bass ganz normal doheem a vun engem Ament op deen other verléiers de alles. Däin Haus, deng Frënn, deng Famill”the 14th Yor ale Bara, who wishes to liberate the Bombarder of Israel who misses d’Gazastäif they will.

“Would you like to get a net representation? Mir goufen en scho virum 7. Oktober mësshandelt”see Mamm, which on the basis of the Russian Nationality d’Gazasträif can be redeemed.

A whole Mann sucks the Xavier Bettel and behold: “Mir sinn eenzel Persounen, mir kënnen näischt maachen, mee Dir must stop Israel.”

Eng other From page: “Et muss e Waffestëllstand ginn, Kanner sinn dach keng Terroristen.”

All Palestinian refugees from Gaza, from Syria, from Lebanon or from that country, have received a Jordanian attack, their am Wadi Seer Training Centre (WSTC) in Amman, which UNRWA has so well. Different people think that it is a little more in this country, soubal and do not have to do more. There is a Jordanian hir nei Heemescht-fontnt.

Finanziell Hëllefe just started

Before we know more about the people who founded the UN organization UNRWA, he is very interested on an international level.

“Iwwer sing Joer feelen eis schonn déi finanzielle Mëttelen, déi mer brauchen”see the director of UNRWA in Jordan. The organization’s budget is 860 million and a value of 760 million. Deemno géingen eigentlech ëmmer 100 million feelen. The majority of UNRWA has done the financing of the UN member state.

The Training Center can make a strong development, a part of life and management and an operational development, a good way of working and infrastructure. D’UNRWA has no unféiert 30,000 persons in total. D’Majority will send a refugee to a Flüchtlingslager or a Hellefsariichtungen on the Place. A Jordanian purchase of 4,000 people from the Hellefswierk of the United Nations. Eng 12,000 then on the Gazastraäif.

40 Prozent vun de Palästinenser si Refugiéen

Weltwäit liewe estimated real 14.3 million Pästinenser. The largest part of the population has done a Palestinian autonomy area, with 5 million inhabitants in the Gaza Strip in West Jordan. A Jordanian gets a life from, of 2 to 3 million Pästinenser in the country. A Syrian than eng half a million and in Lebanon nld 400,000.

About 6 million Palestine refugees were registered as refugees in a UNRWA refugee register. It is clear that you are certain that the UNRWA definition does not exist and that you consider registered Palestine refugees as refugees. Can you find one of these figures by the report of the Bevelkerungszuel, which is 40 percent of the Palestine refugee protection.

D’Geschicht vum palästinensesche Vollek

Noméischte Weltkrich, an dem Zesummebroch vum Osmanesche Räich ass Palästina from 1918 to 1948 a British Kontroll komm. It is possible that you will take the time to use an Arab Gemeinschaft. In 1948, when the UN and the Plang Viragone were established, the regions and the Arab state became parts. The Arab State has a great idea. None of the Grënnung van Israel would come and zu engem Krich, if the Palästinenser were succumbed, their Heemescht would deliver them. Treasures were not and 750,000 people. They are Arab and Israeli Krich ass and as Nakba possible.

One of the few young people who have to wait a while is the arrival of an Ausenanersetzung. 1967 during the 6-Days-Krich in Israel d’Westjordanland, d’Gazasträif and another Prayer eruewert. Vill Palästinenser sent his Refugiéë ginn, an appeal based on a permanent Israeli Siidlungsbau and the satisfied Prayer. An der Suite vum 6-Dages-Krich hates only 300,000 Palästinenser d’Land lost.

Although the intifada lasts much longer and requires more and more of the Flüchtlingsbeweegungen, Chiffer’s war has grown bigger and bigger. Aktuell kenne just Palästinenser, déi eng sweat Staatsbiergerschaft hunn, d’Gazasträif loosen. The terrorist attack on Israel from October 7 onwards involves a total of 64,000 people living in Gaza in the Gaza Strip. Ball 2 million people lie and are Gebitt, 11 Mol more kleng wéi Lëtzebuerg.

Antëscht kommen dem Jordaneschen Ausseminister Ayman Safadi no 39.480 Palästinenser an der Gazasträif ëm d’Liewen. Dovunner 14,000 Kanner, 9,000 Fraen. 91,000 Persons who are injured. Am Westjordanland wieren zanter dem 7. Oktober zejoert 593 Palästinenser ëmbruecht ginn. 144 dovunner Kanner. Iwwer 5,500 wiere blesséiert ginn. Och 202 Mataarbechters vun Hellefsorganisatioune wieren ëmbruecht ginn.