
Wissenschaft fordert concrete G20-Maßnahmen – Nachrichten AG

Wissenschaft fordert concrete G20-Maßnahmen – Nachrichten AG

Internationale Zusammenarbeit voor nachhaltige Entwicklung

The redevelopments of the global economy, the biodiversity of biodiversity and social life demand a fundamental thinking in art and well-being, such as business economies. The list of the G20 summits in November 2024 in Rio de Janeiro has left the G20 science academy, where the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina has one of the following Stride topics. In the summary position statement “Science for Global Transformation” we lay the power to undermine the unity of the UN sustainability soul.

Urgent Emphasis for Climate Protection and Bioeconomics

The Academy that takes a leisurely walk on low-emission energy with solar and wind energy. In addition to reclaiming knowledge, the potential of the bioeconomy, is a wrtschaftswachstum with the Umweltschutz of the associations. Investments in investments and infrastructure are separated, a climbing walk that climbs and improves the redevelopments of poverty and health care. “Through international cooperation and local knowledge we can tackle complex problems”, according to the experts.

Roll out the information you need

Another point in the stellungnahme is the Verwendung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI). This technology can run a separate company, but is an international easement, a just and transparent utility. The Wissenschaftler show the Bedarf and Investitionen in Dateninfrastrukturen en Hochleistungsrechenzentren, um the Vorteile and Boundaries of KI are verstehen.

Health and Social Justice in Focus

The position of the Academy can influence the theme of well-being and social justice. In addition to the One Health healthcare, the healthcare of man, the integrated approach of animal and environment is one of the key words. Recommendations are contained in the worldwide transition to impurities as well as measures to combat antimicrobial resistance, a mental peace of mind begins at the center point to turn back.

There are CO2 values ​​for the operation of the device

A central element of the food cycle is CO2 emissions. “There is a market-based control instrument that can reduce the reduction of emissions,” says Prof. Dr. Gerald Haug, President of Leopoldina. An effective energy system would be used as the basis for sustainable economies, which would probably cause many problems for science.

Conclusion: A Common Soul for an Ehrgeizige Agenda

The joint approach of the G20 Science Academy represents one of the most important steps towards a future future. Unter dem Vorsitz der Brasilianische Akademie der Wissenschaften started the Brazilian G20 President on July 30, 2024. By converting the empfohlenen masses, the G20 state can take an example in the global camp against climate change and social unrest.