
Hitzewelle zum Wochenstart, End of the High Summer Night

Hitzewelle zum Wochenstart, End of the High Summer Night

The new week starts in the Nürnberg heiß: Der Wetterdienst warns about bereits. But the end of summer is beautiful in sight.

In Nuremberg the start of the Wochenstart is hot: Those temperatures crack the 30-degree mark. But the Hochsommer can have a bald signal. Der in Franconia as “Wetterochs” the Meteorologist can predict which ends – nor in that week.

It is the assembly and the service that you can never use. They were both at 33 degrees in the Frankenmetropole temperature. The Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD) has issued a warning for Heat-herausgegeben.

The dense urban area of ​​Nuremberg can be affected by a “verringerter nightlicher Abkühlung”. So the temperature on the night of the service on September 22 lies, as “” used to. The DWD warning makes the Hitze more comfortable for the Körper. The Bewohner Nürnbergs sollten deshalb Hitze maidens, ausreichend Wasser trinken und Innenräume kühl stop.

But a wet weather can be achieved in sight. I am conscripted and first looked up Gewitter, who writes the “Wetterochs”. Ab Mittwoch deployed a Westströmung, which brought the Atlantikluft to Franconia.

Moreover, they are higher than the 30 degrees possible, at Donnerstag und Freitag sollen die dann nur nor bei 27 degrees lie, der Wetterexperte weiter. A prediction is made on “”.

I came up with the temperature at the end of the week and didn’t go further than the “Wetterochs”. There is a right to choose between 21 and 25 degrees. The end of Hochsommer and Spätsommer has begun. “It may be that there are some nice nights, but still, it would be nice to be able to stay alive,” the expert wrote.