
Nationalratswahl: Diese Wähler can be separated

Nationalratswahl: Diese Wähler can be separated

ÖVP 25 Prozent, FPÖ 26 Prozent and SPÖ 21 Prozent. So let the new surroundings, which last for 24 hours, be fulfilled. Ebenfalls has still not lost a single Wähler and here a Gruppe has fallen that is grim: the Frauen. Satte 18 Prozent der Wählerinnen nor never erase again, if we are in the Sonntag in the Kreuzerl machine – and if that Zielgruppe number is one of the non-real Wahlkampf.

Ebenfalls is another crossing. Beate Meinl-Reisinger arrives on the beach of zölf Prozent with his Neos. One of the most important things that the Pentecostal brings to the market is a huge and enormous progress in growth, which allows eight of the following predictions to be made.