
“Leipzig’s Best”: Eisdielen, Spielplätze, Cocktails

“Leipzig’s Best”: Eisdielen, Spielplätze, Cocktails

Leipzig. What playgrounds in Leipzig since those beautiful days? What is the best doner? Welche Kinos, Clubs, Beer Garden or which Spätis are the best? In our region “Leipzig’s Best” we regularly ask for my time there. Here is an overview of the next developments.

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As a large city of Saxony, Leipzig has a lot of problems with beets. An exploratory manchmal schwer fell. In the series “Leipzig’s Best” you put together a theme and erase a woolen dann in a suitable Abstimmung Ihre Meinung. Abschließend couples with the three months in a category for.

“Leipzig’s Best”: Top addresses for cocktails

In the Umfrage there are tests of faith Cocktail Bars the LVZ-Leserinnen and -Leser have started: Siege has become the Rorschach Bar in the Leipziger Südvorstadt.

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“Leipzig's Best”: Bartender and Inhabitant Maurice Le Petit and Melanie Aparicio Sanchez often visit the 1st Place for the Rorschach Bar.

“Leipzig’s Best”: Bartender and Inhabitant Maurice Le Petit and Melanie Aparicio Sanchez often visit the 1st Place for the Rorschach Bar.

“Leipzig’s Best”: What Fleischerei ist am beliebstromen?

At Grillsaison or Sonntagsbraten – that all year long Leipzigerinnen and Leipziger Fleisch buy in the city’s handicraft industries. You might stop in the June edition Carnivorous animals LVZ-Leser’s favorites are.

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“Leipzig’s Best”: Favorites of the LVZ-Leserschaft

The teachers and lecturers of the LVZ have abstained, these things are a fragment after the top-Ice Pigeons in Leipzig. An der Spitze landeten das Café Eisträumerei in Reudnitz, the Eisbrennerei in der Südvorstadt and Erikas Eiscafé in Eutritzsch.

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“Leipzig’s Best”: The best second-hand loads

Vintage shopping in Leipzig cannot fall on the Flohmärkten. Auch in zahlreichen Secondhand-Loading can amaze a man after a new way of working. You can best teach and teach at „Lisbeth’s Erben“ in the Zentrum.

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“Leipzig’s Best”: The beliebstromen Cafés under LVZ-Lesern

A head-to-head run is in itself the first place in the Abstimmung zum best Cafe Leipzigs. An der Spitze landete schlussendlich das Café Schwung und Schwebe in Leipzig-Gohlis with 15.8 Prozent der Stimmen.

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“Leipzig’s Best”: These three Kinos lie vorn

Shortly before the Oskar-Verleihung like the best things of Ihnen Leipzig cinema. More than 2100 votes were recorded in the final for the top fun. More like a foursome davon (26.9 Prozent) on the first Platz – a clearer Sieg for the Passage Kinos.

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Das Passage Kino in Leipzig is one of the best light shows in the city.

Das Passage Kino in Leipzig is one of the best light shows in the city.

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“Leipzig’s Best”: Here are the tastiest Pommes

If the jungle of the fries gilded Belgium. The Kartoffelstäbchen, who die in our Nachbarland, while the culture is good, eventually become 18 years old. In Leipzig the impression is given, in the Abstimmenden am liebsten gehen.

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Pommes are great snacks and snacks for your special needs.

Pommes are great snacks and snacks for your special needs.

“Leipzig’s Best”: In these clubs it is so beautiful

“Eine Bravo kan in empfehlen.” Eine Bravo, that is: Fassbrause with Vodka. Das Stammgetränk in de Leipziger TV-Club, der zu den Siegern bei der Frage nach den best Clubs heard in Leipzig.

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“Leipzig’s Best”: Döner is always delicious

In Leipzig it is more than 125 Döner-Lokale. Do you want to eat the Kebab the best? More than 1400 Vorschläge hatten uns beim Aufruf, the leckersten Doner der Stadt zu küren, erreicht. These three Laden countries eat ganz vone.

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“Leipzig’s Best”: Sonderausgabe zum Weihnachtsmarkt

In the “Spezialausgabe” of “Leipzigs Beste” you can, after the tasty mulled wine on the Leipzig Christmas Market. More groups a LVZ-Leserjury sucked first von Stand zu Stand, een insgesamt 38 alcoholische Heißgetränke zu testing. If most of the time the Vorschlägen have gone then the Top drei reform.

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“Leipzig’s Best”: The beautiful Spielplatze

In der Messestadt, about 300 Playgrounds. Here you will not find anything like children’s fun together with Toben, Klettern and Spielen. Auch Eltern und Großeltern verringen gemeinsam Zeit an der frischen Luft. That’s the best Spielplätze in Leipzig.

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“Leipzig’s Best”: Special Atmosphere in the Biergarten

Die berühmte Gose, aber auch Cocktails, Biere anyway vegetarian and vegan Speisen – das and more beets die Beer gardens in Leipzig. If you are in the summer, there is a free atmosphere and there are spirits that fall under the immunity. Ben liebsten in diesen drei Biergarten.

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Der Biergarten des Lokals “Herr Kauzig” is impressed.

Der Biergarten des Lokals “Herr Kauzig” is impressed.

“Leipzig’s Best”: Spätis heard fest in Leipzig

The Spätverkaufsstellen have long been part of the Alltagskultur in Leipzig. Children are welcome at the school and meet their needs with a beer or some drinks. Wir haben gefragt, welcher Room Your favorite. The Answer is over.

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“Leipzig’s Best”: The credible Badeseen

Do you want to relax the Leipzigerinnen and Leipziger during the summer or relax in your childhood? Natural and hollow Seen in Leipzig and the surrounding area. Therefore, his or her favorite crops have been fragmented. Here is Ergebnis.

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“Leipzig’s Best”: The tastiest cuisine

Gebäck fans from Leipzig and the surrounding area are in the Kuchen and the Torten aus diesem Café. Imagine that you have patience. I am LVZ-Stemming um den besten Cookies Leipzig’s haben Leser ended well and entschieden.

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Café Krüger at the Eutritzscher Markt in Leipzig with a self-service snack.

Café Krüger at the Eutritzscher Markt in Leipzig with a self-service snack.

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