
Richard Lugner: So kam der Bauunternehmer zu seinem Vermögen

Richard Lugner: So kam der Bauunternehmer zu seinem Vermögen

Richard Lugner war a phenomenon. There are years for an average meal – and a good preparation on the serial page of your life

See how he finds the war of Richard “Mörtel” Lugner omnipresent. There is an heir with 91 years ago a young woman. Who in this Alter “to the sechsten Mal heredity, is a radical-romantic or pragmatic Gründe”, writes the Austrian “Standard”.

Known where Lugner – over the Borders-sea-Home Austria-hinaus – for all through his mid-career would go to work at the Wiener Opernball in the representation of the stars from Hollywood, which a great Gage would have played. And then were neither my children, but my wife found the Tiernamen verpasste – “Mausi”, “Hasi”, “Käfer”, “Bambi”, “Kolibri”.

Lugner was born in Vienna in 1932. There is no question of a city that is now a shrill gebender, schmerzfreier “Party-Löwe”, but also a kühl-kalkulierender Bauunternehmer. Sein Lebenswerk is the “Lugner City” that gets an Einkaufszentrum in Österreichs Hauptstadt with 110 Geschäften and 56,000 vermitbaren Quadratmetern.

Since we have lived a long life in our office, we have stock and work after our “Profil” after 90 years and even more recent experiences on the Tag. „Weil es mir Spaß might. And weil I neither can,” says the magazine. Lugner is no longer of the Schnellste and no longer of the intestine. “Aber for 90 years is fit for a turnaround”, so “Profil”.

Mosque, Church, Synagogue

Lugner war na seiner Ausbildung in de 1950s in de Baugewerbe eingestiegen. There is war, among other things, in the construction of Mineralölunternehmens Mobil Oil Austria. 1962 The power is self-determination and gründete sein Unternehmen, the Baumeister Ing. Richard Lugner GmbH. Sein erster Deal: renovation in a Wiener Stundenhotel. Lugner war kein Auftrag zu winzig. There is a special specialization in the renovation of Altbauten and the Bau van Tankstellen, a company that works quickly.

With a large project depending on the size of the journey over the years: 1975 was an Auftrag in Saudi Arabia, a Mosque in Vienna in the Bauen. Lugner gives his first press conference, the rest of his lives may follow another time. “The public Richard Lugner was born”, the “Profil” prints.

The engineers’ most recent Viennese projects include the conversion of a palace on the site of the OPEC fund, the Greek-Oriental Church on the Fleischmarkt, and a synagogue. Also the Steffl Shopping Center and the Julius Meinl Delicatessen Shop in Herzen are among the projects.

The project started in Lugner in the 1980s. A first Grundstück for “Lugner City” has been created. 1990, when the Einkaufszentrum eröffnet and wurde in the following Years Stück für Stück was erweitert. Zeitweise hated Lugners Baufirma more than 600 Beschäftigte. The advantage is that it is worth changing the Spitz name “Mörtel”.

Millions and Grunderwerbsteuer sparred

There is a war that is the best marketing tool. Those for the operational ball are stars who are in a press conference and autogrammar are ben. Although a post of a woman – on curls is and in the begleitung of Ehefrau – on Facebook is a place, in this there is a piercing studio in one of the most popular shops.

At the end of the 90’s übertrug Lugner, the Leitung blesser Baufirma and a blesser Söhne die. The Unternehmen receive financial support in the form of a loan, the Pleite Drohte. Lugner bought the Einkaufszentrum a Volksbank-Tochter and at the very least is zurück. Sein Bauunternehmen erholte sich, and Lugner buys the Volksbank-Tochter, nannte sie um in “Lugner Immo GmbH” – and his Lebenswerk gehörte wieder ihm. We should know from the “Standard” that the Lugner has saved a million and one grunderwerbssteuer through that deal.

It has been a long time since the Beziehung silently father and son among the disappointed Übergabe, writes the Zeitung. The two were driven together. The son has more to do with his office in the „Lugner City“. While Lugners takes the last step, Jacqueline has never ended up in her father’s life, but there is a private detail about her life. Jacqueline Lugner runs the cinema with eleven halls in the shopping center.

For the aftercare of the Firmenspitze Lugner could say that he could insult others: I am June heir of Simone Reiländer. “Sie past ja vom berufsleben sehr gut zu mir. Vom Horoskop auch”, says Lugner dem “Standard” in May. The war of the 1842s waged a philanthropic struggle at the Baumarktkette Hornbach and went on in the “Lugner City” as Simone Lugner. “If you are in the Firma Arbeitet and the Chefin ist, then go to Lugner Heißen”, so “Mörtel”.

“Maintaining my creditworthiness”

In the Zentrum des Lugner-Imperiums is the “Profil” of the two Stiftungen, in the large Bauunternehmer large Teile seines Vermögens lowert habe. Sechs GmbH founded Lugner itself, using the Stiftungen technology, while Lugner also uses the Stiftungen property.

The “Kurier” has Lugners Firmen-Geflecht in February debts of almost 40 million euros. “The Stiftung and the Lugner Immo have created these debts with the Erste Bank”, says Lugner der Zeitung. “If I have won my credit, and there has been a call on it, it has not been taxed and it was true”. Central Company is the Lugner-Söhne-Privatstiftung, which has given the Lugner “positive” economics.

Behind the debt mountain of the Verkauf and Rückkauf of the “Lugner City”, the financial institutions for the financing of the bank will be established. The costs that arose 99 years ago have been lost the debts. “Then the debts are still there, but that is only on the paper”, says Lugner. “Ich kan het zijn if I don’t know exactly, that can be my steuerberatung.”

Whoever the „Kurier“ reported, the Lugner Immo GmbH for the Geschäftsjahr 2022 132.1 Million Euro Connections and 14.67 Million Euro Bilanzverlust aus. The Lugner City GmbH, the Lugner Garagen GmbH and the Lugner Kino GmbH have a positive Bilanz.

In Erinnerung Lugner bleibt nicht als Unternehmer, sondern als shrille Inszenierung. Zweimal unternahm is a similar issue in politics: 1998 and 2016 candidate for the Amt des Bundespräsidenten. 1998 is a very respectable result of rapid sales of the Stimmen, 2016 is now 2.3 ​​Prozent. In the Reality-Soap „Die Lugners“ knitted „Mörtel“ in de most Reichische Fernsehen in rund 100 Folgen sein Privatleben aus.

“I enjoy my life,” said Lugner 2021 dem “Standard”. “I empowered Fehler, in Großen and Ganzen after wars in Ordnung. I have not passed away.”

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