
Mukoviszidose patients were treated in Aachen – Rheinland – Nachrichten

Mukoviszidose patients were treated in Aachen – Rheinland – Nachrichten

The care should be taken by both the affected persons for further care: the medical care in the care of the hospital. Heute stellte das Krankenhaus clear: The treatment continues later.

The sick house is gone, so urgently unterstützung zu benötigen. During the night you will be happy with your stay at the Luisenhospital, and your finances will continue to flow.

Hilfe vom Land und Krankenkassen gefordert

“The financial costs of the ambulance ambulance last year. This is the case, as the hospital for the year will cost 300,000 euros, so that the ambulance service will be available for the year”, said Ralf Wenzel, Vorstandsvorsitzender des Luisenhospitals. And so a financing can be done for the hospital without further delay. The Brand im März hat am Gebäude einen Schaden von 25 Millionen Euro verursacht. Still, it is never regular, says Ralf Wenzel.

Country says it is conversational

In the past weeks, the care of the hospitals with caretakers and caretakers of the lands was spoken. After the treatment of the clinic has become deutlich, the country that treatment of mucoviszidose-care patients in Aachen has been maintained. This must be done if the legal frameworks were to be provided, since the medical bills could be included in the costs of the mucoviszidose-ambulanz at the Luisenhospital. With the half of the costs of 300,000 euros, the patient spent years for the ambulance care, so let’s see if Ralf Wenzel is there. The rest could be a man’s self and continue to spend.

The care of the patients is first settled

The 100 patients and patients who came to the hospital during their stay were treated better, but the hospital care was also provided. With the approval of the country, and those who received emergency medical care at the hospital, are entitled to responsibility in September.

Our sources:

  • Ralf Wenzel, Vorstandsvorsitzender Luisenhospital Aachen
  • Prof. Dr. Axel Scherer, Chief Director Luisenhospital Aachen