
» Super Stimmung and great Leistungen at Bike-Rennen am Hochstein in Lienz

» Super Stimmung and great Leistungen at Bike-Rennen am Hochstein in Lienz

240 Sportler:innen nahmen am Samstag, 27. July, am Bike-Wetbewerb teil. Ausgetragen wurden der Österreichische Downhill Cup, de Slovenische Meisterschaften und Tiroler Landesmeisterschaften in Downhill.

On the Alban Lakata Trail in Bikepark Lienz and on Saturday, July 27, a Bike-Rennen-statt, while it was an impossible competition. While the Austrian Gravity Series acts as a national Downhill Cup, there is a great Mountainbike Magazine Lines-Magazin available. Lienz-war ready for the second part of the Gravity Series Tour, at the Bikeparks in Königsberg, am Semmering, in Leogang and the first time in Maribor (SLO) heard.

A war broke out between the Hot Spot and the photographers.

If time has passed, there is a good chance that the Slovenian national Mountainbike Downhill Cup will be called the 20chocolate Downhill Cup. Lienz is one of the few Slovenian Australian series that was organized by the Slovenian Radsportverband in the course of 1993. During the war in Hochstein in the Tyrolean Landesmeisterschaft, the first experiences in Bikepark Lienz were ausgetragen wurde.

Bereits Tage voor dem Racing with the Austrian and Slowenische Bike-Szene zu Trainingfahrten and Streckenbesichtigungen in Lienz. At Renntag itself war der Bikepark Hochstein sehr gut besucht, the Veranstalter zählten 240 Starterinnen and Starter and cattle 800 Guests. I see that the debts and debts can best be accomplished, a Zelt like Wetterschutz will take his regenschauer out of the air before the Hitze is consumed. Musically speaking, the Wettkampfstimmung of Mountain Reggae Radio, a DJ team, that is a great bike event in Österreich. After the Siegerehrung in Zielbereich and in Jägerheim the after-party with 2 live bands and DJs.

Jamie Schmölzer vom Verein Ride Free Osttirol hat favors: Tagesbestzeit, Tiroler Landesmeister, Sieger Gravity Cup and 20chocolate Downhill Cup

Add an unedited form to the rennlizenzens (Profis vs. Amateure) or Wohnort (Tyroler Landesmeisterschaften) als je Verschiebungen in de Wertung der drie Bewerbe. Wir gehen von der Wertung der Auner Austrian Gravity Series aus, die in 8 Klassen ausgetragen wird. The East Tyrolean Fahrerinnen and Fahrer see a strong Leistung in all classes. Die schnellste Zeit fuhr Osttirols Nachwuchshoffnung Jamie Schmölzer vom Verein Ride Free Osttirol in der Klasse Junioren männlich (2006 – 2007). Erzielte with 03:31.35 one of the short times, the jemals on Alban Lakata Trail were missed. With the achievement that Jamie has used the Day Sieger, Tyrolean Meister and Sieger of the 20chocolate Downhill Cups and the Auner Gravity Cups in his class.

East Tyrolean Markus Kamper plays at the Gravity Cup.

In the men’s Gravity Cups, Markus Kamper from Verein Ride Free Osttirol takes the lead with a time of 03:35.18. Weitere Osttiroler Biker among the Top 10 in the Men’s Class (2005 – 1990) of the Gravity Cup: Daniel Mandler on Platz 3 (Verein Trail Monkeys), the gleichzeitig Tiroler Meister wurde, Maximilian Haselmayer on Platz 6 (Ride Free Osttirol) anyway die both Fitstore24-Vereinsfahrer Moritz Wallner (Platz 7) and Florian Lerchbaumer (Platz 10).

In the U17m Class, Diego Zraunig took 2nd place and in the U15w Class, Marie-Thérès Pargger took 3rd Platz. She wurde damit Landesmeisterin in ihrer Klasse. Also, both Jugendlichen and Mitglieder des Vereins Ride Free Osttirol.

Veranstalter der Rennen war der local Downhill Bike Verein Ride Free Osttirol, financial support from the Tourismusverband Osttirol and other sponsors. The TVB infrastructure will be connected to the Veranstaltungssort Bikepark Lienz and in front of the Lienzer Bergbahnen. These hats are cyclist bad luck and have to repair an engine damage and the Kombibahn Schlossberg. Der von der Bergbahn in kürzester Zeit organizes the “Bahnersatzverkehr” for the Teilnehmer and its bikes by the Gumpi-Team that operates the Bundschuh- and Alpenlandbus and schmälerte the Erfolg der Veranstaltung kaum.

All the super voting in the health insurance fund and the afterparty in the heart of the country were carried out in a good mood.

“Being Obmann from Ride Free Osttirol is one of the most important things. You cannot find events, but also training and activities. “The good experience of the East Tyrolean Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmer said, who enjoy the Bike Park Lienz and the Downhill Sports in the Einheimischen,” said Renè Unterwurzacher.

Text: Redaktion, Photos: Marcel Zraunig, Bibs Monitzer/Ride Free Osttirol