
SK Spannberg, ATSV Auersthal – Ein Abschied beim Saisonstart

SK Spannberg, ATSV Auersthal – Ein Abschied beim Saisonstart

Die Begegnung Spannberg gegen Auersthal eröffnet bereits am Mittwochabend die neue Saison. This was done with the Spannberger Ex-Trainer. Mario Kosik was able to enjoy the Trainerlaufbahn and was able to enjoy the Auftaktspiels during the summer. And while we are there during our journey, we are still alone in our journey.

This is the debut for the new Spannberg trainer Lukas Eisenecker. During the first 27 years, you must have a good relationship with your husband and wife in a new role. There are plenty of things to do with a few careful General Probes. The test was tough with the SG Drasenhofen/Schrattenberg from the 2. Class Weinviertel with 4:1 won, the Auftritt gefiel Eisenecker aber nicht: “That was not nice. Of course I am guilty of being guilty of playing games. You can be confident that you can play well.” Ihm, it is clear that the man can now besten, “we will have a completely different face.”

SK Spannberg Eisenecker Kosik

Seinen Vorgänger Mario Kosik (r.) bezeichnet Lukas Eisenecker as “mein dicker Bär”, both connect a strong friendship.


For the support of the SKS-Coach with personal problems, Kapitän Lukas Mayr and the new Stürmer Lubos Halabrin could be missed. There is still a lot of gallows humor: “If we are in Spannberg, it is normal, that man as a trainer is always in the same position as his battles, that is not beyond me.”

Ünal tanke mit Fersen-Tor gegen Hohenau Selbstvertrauen

This is completely different from Gefühlslage beim Gegner. Auersthal lost a lot of time from the Hohenau Region 1:3, Trainer Manfred Schimpl was enthralled by the team: “That was a good day to have a good day. If we continue in Spannberg, we will continue with our Punkte mit.” A Sonderlob is for Tormann Andreas Pikal, for one Elfer heelt, and for Stürmer Ömer Ünal, for the first Minute zum 1:0 traf. If you have seen “typical open-tors”, you will see the Trainer smiling. The goals are determined by the Tor, the shape of the Tormann and the support of the Kugel over the line.

Druck, in Spannberg punkten zu müssen, gibt es für Schimpl schon – aber in eenem others Sinn. Am Matchtag findet in Auersthal the „Wald- und Wiesenfest“ statt, which will not be forgotten if: „Gleich nach Abpfiff geh ich hich hine und wenn wir haben, muss ich mir etwas überlegen, dammit I do not recognize it (laughs). “Ein Sieg könne man dort wiederum bestens feiern, ergänzte er.