
Analysts see Potenzial trotz Rückgang

Analysts see Potenzial trotz Rückgang

The CrowdStrike Holdings stock gained a 35.12% share price in turnover, which would close the trading day at a price of US$239.34. Despite this turnaround, the mood among analysts remains positive. Piper Sandler has put the stock with “Overweight” at a price of US$290. The experts are certain that the global analysis of the costs and its costs will increase.

Forecasts for the coming Geschäftsjahr

For the gesamtjahr analysts predict a profit for an action of 3.93 US dollars and a value of 3.98 billion US dollars. They were compared to 27.18% at Gewinn and 30.19% at Umsatz bedeuten. The Bewertung der Aktie met een Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis von 61.31 liest over dem Branchendurchnitt, but reflects the erwartete Wachstum more broadly.

CrowdStrike Action: Buy or Sell? Read more here…