
Größte Post-Sortieranlage Deutschlands zeeht um

Größte Post-Sortieranlage Deutschlands zeeht um

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Größte Post-Sortieranlage Deutschlands zeeht um
For the new Halle another land with a length of three kilometers is constructed. © Ursula Löschau

Germany’s largest Post-Sortierzentrum see here: The Briefing Center is open to Neuhausen nach Germering – and Hello, that is itself:

Munich – Postal Engineering in Munich will begin in September with new arrivals. Before you spend the mail boats and time, the postcard can make your jewels appear at 5 p.m. Grund ist der Umzug des Letterzentrums aus der ehemaligen Paketposthalle an der Wilhelm-Hale-Straße in een Neubau in Germering. During the September launch, the Standort Neuhausen machine base was filled with a plug.

+++Paketposthalle: Citizens and Experts don’t have to worry about their future needs – Interested in Design Camp will come+++

That changes

The Leerung der Münchner Briefkästen will be published in September. The späteste Abholung took place from Montag to Freitag at 5 p.m. If you are früh, you can use the Briefcases in the Briefzentrum Germering on Lise-Meitner-Straße 5 notes. The last lesson will be followed by assembly at lunchtime at 19 o’clock, sunday at 15 o’clock and sunday at 11 o’clock. The Briefcase Stands are no longer suitable. All the research before processing the mail became worth it to process the mail.

Dann was sorted in the Verteilzentrum in such a way that it was one of the best notes and supplies for the three postal services with the anfangsziffern 80, 81 and 82 and for the postal boats or transport in other regions. Insured since the taglich rund zwei Millionen Sendungen. Die Halle in Neuhausen soll nach 26 Jahren Nutzung bis Jahresende Geräumt Sein.

+++Post-Areal: Investor proposes a proposal for 8.7 Hektar-Fläche for+++

Münchner Briefzentrum sees a: Large selection of Bundesweit

Der Umzug erolgt schrittweise. Schon im Mai wurde das bisheerde Briefzentrum Starnberg (Leitregion 82) in de Neubau verlagert. The first Maschinen from Neuhausen are happy with Germering and are ready to serve you. If you would like more information about a large letter format with four monates that are judged, there is a project by Christian Schuch. The “Rest” will follow in the weeks to come. “These machines are completely complete,” says Schuch. If you do not yet see “the first study”, aber auch fell Technik, which will go for a walk over the years and the hikes and hikes will begin.

Christian Shelter
Christian Schuch © Ursula Löschau

A number of instructions are sent for the new, larger Halle with 21 000 Quadratmetern Fläche and the higher shipments from three regions to new areas. This is a kind of multi-format sorter. This makes it easier to understand the individual needs of the large customers, often without having to carry briefs with goods. “That is the message that I am waiting for,” we say Schuch. These days, Postcards and Standard Letters were rarely available. Insgesamt was Germering with beef 60 Sortiersystemen bundesweit über the large Maschinenpark all 82 Briefzentren der Deutschen Post paintügen, teilt diese mit.

A large part of the machines originate from the file with the rough letter sorting.
A large part of the machines originate from the file with the rough letter sorting. © Ursula Löschau

+++Viertelpolitiker schlagen Paketposthalle als Ausweichquartier für den Guests+++

Die can rund 1300 Mitarbeitenden an der Lise-Meitner-Straße 5 since die Summe der Beschäftigten aus Starnberg und Munich, zuammen etwa 1000 in der Produktion und 300 in der Verwaltung. Denn auch der Sitz der Niederlassung sees with um. “Etwa 90 Prozent der Mitarbeiter in Munich gehen mit,” said Post-Sprecher Dieter Nawrath.

Münchner Briefzentrum see um: Das bleibt zunächst in Neuhausen

I am always busy with my new letter center in the three-shot operation equipment. If you see the time of 16 and 22 o’clock, when the dispatches from the branches and letter boxes consider you as a direct charity service, one of the Verteilung in Munich or the Abtransport in other cities in the early morning days and sorted will be, weiß Schuch. “A larger logistics location in a larger city is no longer zeitgemäß”, Nawrath concretely.

The other Halle is clean and tidy.
The other Halle is clean and tidy. © Ursula Löschau

You can also stay in Neuhausen after your Postal Service without any changes: the Post Office, the Post Office for Packages and two additional Post Offices, as well as the Information Center for Briefing for 100 Post Office Post Boat Tours. The neighbors die in Germering sortierten Sendungen, which then bring the Empfängern in Munich, also a dense Orten who bisher in Empfang. If you are on the road from Germering, you will have to send the letter and freight that you do not need. It is very important for the parcel delivery that there are no problems. Packages remain unchanged from Package Center Aschheim.

In Neuhausen there is no Zustellstützpunkte for the Postal Boats yet.
In Neuhausen there is no Zustellstützpunkte for the Postal Boats yet. © Ursula Löschau

Neues zum Parcelpostareal: nächste Schritte

In the Paketpostareal there is a new city quarter with about 1100 apartments, 3000 work places as well as areas for hotels, culture, trade, social infrastructure and an old care facility. The idea is that the post office is one of the most common things that are useful for the netzungen. The construction plans, which are a foundation of a master plan and a multiplier of values, can be an attachment in the summer at the belongings and the necessary interests during the term.

I am Frühjahr 2025 and have planted the plans for the Billigungsbeschluss. This is then the basis for the subsequent formal Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung. “For the purpose of the Hall would be a business concept, the design would be carefully controlled,” said the referee Karolina Gampenrieder mit.

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