
High Temperatures 2023: Über 47,000 Hitzetote in Europe – Europe –

High Temperatures 2023: Über 47,000 Hitzetote in Europe – Europe –

More than 47,000 people have risen after the expert estimates 2023 in Europe and the following higher temperatures, the world heat years have begun at the beginning of the start-up.

More than 47,000 people have risen after the expert estimates 2023 in Europe and the following higher temperatures, the world heat years have begun at the beginning of the start-up.

More than 47,000 people have risen after the expert estimates 2023 in Europe and the following higher temperatures, the world heat years have begun at the beginning of the start-up.

The comprehensive model study led by the “Barcelona Institute for Global Health” would be implemented in the Fachblatt “Nature Medicine”. Darin informs the international Forschungsgruppe aber that a transfer has been made and the Hitze-stattgefunden hat.

Analyze von Mortalitätsdaten in Europa

The team used mortality data from the European Statistics Office (Eurostat) on 96 million deaths, a projected mortality burden in the year 2023 for 823 regions in 35 European countries, estimated on Austria.

Hitzebedingte Todesfälle: Südeuropa especially affected

Diesen Schätzungen go to an annual of 47,690 hitzebedingte Todesfälle in Europe. This is the highest rate since the beginning of 2015, and will reach the highest interest rate in 2022.

Countries with the highest star ratings

Unter Berücksichtigung der Bevölkerungszahl stellte die Forschungsgruppe fest, dass die Länder mit den höchsten hitzebedingen Sterberaten in Süd liegeneuropa: So belegen Griechenland (393 Todesfälle pro eine Million Einwohner), Bulgarien (229), Italien (209) en Spanien (175) die ersten vier Place of Treasure. In Germany the rate was 76 Todesfällen in 2023 and in Österreich it was 54 Todesfällen per one Million Einwohner.

Absolute numbers: Hits in Italy, Spain and Germany

In absolute terms, the Research Group estimates the number of Hitzetoten for 2023 at 12,750 in Italy, followed by 8,352 in Spain and 6,376 in Germany. In Austria, the number was 486 Hitzetoten. It is a fact here – whoever quickly questions all the federal states – more women than men and the hitzetoten, for the insgesiget to be able to fail all other people.

Unterschiedliche Ergebnisse durch verschiedene Modellierungen

In the year 2023, the Darstellung der Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit in Austria 53 Hitzetote gegiben. The research into model studies is now starting with AGES, but the Hitze association is now based on statistical models that are estimated – uninteresting model that will be nice to uninteresting results. The definitions of “hot and calm weeks” can have a good influence on the Estimates of the Hitze-associazierten mortality.

Definition of hot weeks

During the “unsere Definition von heisse Wochen” – Wochen mit heissen Nächten und Verwendung der Temperatur (Tagesminimum) der heissesten Nacht dieser Woche als Referenzwert, sobald diese über 18 °C liesgt – ließe sich die All-Ursachen Mortalität am best erklären, so Werner Windhager vom Fachbereich Risikokommunikation der AGES. In the method of the Ziterten Papers there are no own definitions for Hitze eingedingen. The problem in the case is that Hitze’s definition is very poor.

Take care of climate change measures

The team is an Elisa Gallo from Barcelona who has become a model for the successful development of the climatic passages. It is worth the Beispiel-improvement in the Reaching Gesundheitsversorgung, social protection and Lebensstil, Fortschritte at the Gesundheit on the Arbeitsplatz and at the Bauliche Gegebenheiten, a large risk awareness signal and the same communication and frühwarn strategy.

A passing process and a sunken mortality

Who estimates the research team, the hotly contested mortality rate in 2023 in the general population without these numbers could probably be an 80 percent and in the population group from 80 years an over 100 percent higher. “There is no question of it being sold in the coming years and the high temperature being reached, the affected consequences and the last star injuries of the summer being reduced, especially in the whole human being”, as Founder Gallo sits in one of the medium term.

There is a minimum starvation temperature

When it comes, the minimum temperature of the temperature – the optimum temperature with the highest temperature – from the year 2000 in the course of the entire continents high, so Gallo, and black from 15 degrees Celsius in the month 2000 to 2004 to 17.7 degrees Celsius in Time 2015 to 2019. “Die deuteronomy began, when he began with the years of the nineties, was one of the most economic power positions, the translation of individual sales and mass takings of the general prosperity s wie die nach dem Record Summer 2003 durchgeführten Planes zur Heat Prevention zurückzuführen ist.”


The first time the Research Group uses an online warning system with “”, is available for 580 regions in 31 European states. Forecasts for star risk in the future with cold and heat after bad and old weather. The free tool is a good forecast 15 days into the future and no longer on meteorological data, but sees an epidemiological model as a.