
Spanien: Zahl der Toten nach Unwettern rises above more than 200

Spanien: Zahl der Toten nach Unwettern rises above more than 200

The Spanish Government can accommodate around 500 soldiers in the affected region, as well as logistics and support services. “We have to get a supermarket out of the closet, a Lebensmittel and the Bevölkerung zu verteilen,” says the Bürgermeister of the Orts Alfafar, Juan Ramón Adsuara, the Fernsehsender À Punt in the Province of Valencia. More than 1200 soldiers were sold into military service.

Einwohner, volunteer Helfer und Rettungsdienste schafften Schlamm, Schutt und wegspülte Autos von den Straßen. Due to the fact that Zahl and Todesopfern went into the Catastrophe area together with the Forensic Forensier and did not fall on Hilfe from the Ausland angefordert.

The fortschritte were authorized to restore the infrastructure and blockade the Räumung streets. The situation has been made clearer by the Minister for Territorial Politics, Ángel Víctor Torres. After plunderings in Geschäften and Häusern, the Polizei became more präsenz zeizen.

The Spanish Regierung can absorb a number of 500 soldiers in the affected region.

The Spanish Regierung can absorb a number of 500 soldiers in the affected region.