
Zugstrecke Berlin-Hamburg more Monate geperrt Von dpa-AFX

Zugstrecke Berlin-Hamburg more Monate geperrt Von dpa-AFX

BERLIN/HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) – The Swiss railway line between Berlin and Hamburg is one of the most important transports in the country. Around 30,000 passengers travel between the main city and the Hanseatic city on the canal every day. The infrastructure must be adapted and there will be a better renovation. It is possible that the connection will be broken for more months. The first blockade began this Friday. What passengers must now know.

How long is the Strecke restricted?

De Bauarbeiten sollen von diesem Freitag bis zum Fahrplanwechsel am 14. Dezember dauern. Run four monate comes with the added benefit of ease of use in regional and regional traffic. “On the other hand, more than 74 Kilometers of Gleise and 100 kilometers between Wittenberge and Ludwigslust between Hamburg and Büchen and the countryside in Hagenow Land are erneuert”, the words of the Bahn mit.

Was it safe to wait for the barrier?

The Fernzüge were used west of Stendal, Salzwedel, Uelzen and Lüneburg. The Fahrzeit longs after 45 minutes. Weil die Strecke zum Teil nur eeningleisig befahrbar ist, fährt pro Stunde dann nur a Fernzug ​​​​zwischen both the great German Stadtstatt who bisher zwei. For the Pendler-Zischen Hamburg and Wittenberge, an ersatz service with buses is available, including Ludwigslust-führt. The connections may be included in the online activities and may be terminated.

What happens next?

Yes. Ebenfalls ab Freitag was opened between Hamburg and Schwerin – until September 29. In this time there is no ICE travel. There is a direct connection to the Ersatz buses. Zudem fährt pro Tag an Intercity über Lübeck.

Is that the General Sanation?

No. The general modernization of the railways will take place more than 40 times in Germany. The concert hall and the woolen dike on this Weise das überalterte streckennetz as least swittigen the button points after and after weeder fit machen and the Zuverlässigkeit of the Bahnverkehren scaffolding.

The Sanierung of the existing corridors on the sogenannten Riedbahn Swiss Frankfurt and Mannheim ended a month later. I come years later to the day for the entire Güterverkehr that Strecke Emmerich-Oberhausen will reach by the Strecke Hamburg-Berlin.

From August 2025 to April 2026, a new blockade of the Hanseatic and Hauptstadt has appeared. Gleise, Weichen, Oberleitungen, Leit- and Sicherungstechnik – everything that this fast new monate will bring. If the line then continues for a few years, it will become easier and the trains can drive as smoothly as possible.

Why does the railway not empty the workers and prevent them from doing so at last?

Because the line is so extreme that a single job could no longer last. “The construction work in 2024 is inevitable, so that the line can also continue at full speed and there is less disruption to the infrastructure”, he is in a presentation of the Deutsche Bahn. The group has had an intensive experience, while the construction industry could not be carried out with the general renovation. The fact that the first time the installation was carried out, was a difference to hints impossible to achieve.

Why set up the Railroad for General Sanitation?

The Deutsche Bahn is so uncomplicated that it will never take years again. In 2024, Halbjahr was the first to bring Fernzug ​​​​to spät. Der Konzern führt das vor allem auf de marode infrastructure zurück, zu nie indiges in den siege. That the Bund will live with billions of years to come. It is important that the main organization improves the quality of service in the future.

Für Fahrgäste bedeutet das zunächst zuätzliche Belastungen durch de baubedingen Sperrungen. If so, it won’t even last a year.