
Introduce more tourists to Japan to Medical Treatments

Introduce more tourists to Japan to Medical Treatments

With other local tourists, tourists in Japan always enjoy more medical information. You may not have to incur any costs.

Ausländische Besucher-müssen in Japan are the full costs of self-determination, if they are not zrankversicher or not spezielle-versicherung for the travel-abgeschlossen. Viele Tourists are looking at a Zusatzversicherung for my Urlaub in Japan. An environment of Japanese tourism is very important, which is fast 30. Prozent der Touristen nicht versichert sind.

Krankenhäuser kämpfen with the costs of Australian tourists

Landesweit kämpfen medizinische Einrichtungen mit de Behandlungkosten, de Ausländische Touristen nicht bezahlen.. Im Geschäftsjahr 2022 fragte das Gesundheitsministerium medizinische Einrichtungen, ob ze solche Probleme haben. Fast 30 Prozent der Befragten messages op unbezahlte Rechnungen von ausländischen Patients, darunter sowohl Einwohner as auch Touristen.

The amount of the average yield on an amount of 880 million yen (approx. 5.4 million euros) amounted to 1.4 percent of the total amount of money that Zahler (a Japanese citizen) had obtained from power.

The Zahl der Touristen, which was discussed in Japan, is increasing. In Tokyo, 3,283 Australian tourists were gathered in the Krankenhaus in 2023, more than 624 people in the past and more than 2,620 in the year for the Pandemic 2019. These people are the members of the Defense Force of Tokyo, who coordinate the Einsätze of the Krankenwagen. Inagi and die Inseln in the Verwaltungsgebied of Tokyo are never a fact.

St. Luke’s International Hospital in Tokyo’s Chuo Ward has admitted as many as 2,000 Australian tourists as non-infected patients. In the process, 30 of the hospital die without paying the receipt. If you look at the hospital, the patients die with their movement, but they are still not as long, if they last longer.

Versicherungsgesellschaften are not Hilfreich

If the person is insured in the Ausland, the Krankenhaus becomes an Australian Insurer. But with its own rural insurance is a difficult trade. They often stamp the costs and the consequences thereof, so a Speaker of St. Luke’s. If a patient is not insured, then the Krankenhaus is at his address and provides a Rechnung Dorthin, which is nevertheless rarely paid.

There is not a single rule that makes it easy for the sick person to enjoy unbezahlten gebuhren von Ausländischen Besuchern auszugleichen. Most of the Desperate sufferers die Krankenhäuser themselves.

St. Luke’s Hospital is looking at the problem with two approaches to solve. Erstens has a certain system for solving problems, changing the frequency and offering the option for alternative options. You can inform the patient about the cost of his treatment.

The patient’s creditworthiness is increased if the patient is treated in the country. In May 2021, the Japanese Regie, the problem was solved, the compensation of the name of the Japanese trip, with a list of debts with a debt of 200,000 yen (approx. 1,241 euros) or more. The Ministry of Health has taken over this data from the medical e-institutions and the information with the einwanderungsbehörde.