
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown – Update to the server

Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown – Update to the server

Today is the Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown In the early access for novice players, the Gold Edition games are available. Any problems with starting erheblichen server problems can prevent players from experiencing problems playing games.

If you start the official server, you can shift the most common form of game with connection problems, without logging in at login, in the lobbies, the display and the online function. This configuration is suitable for all new platforms, a PC (Steam), PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Test Drive Unlimited Server was requested

Entwickler’s KT Racing hat has fixed the problem and released an update, which fixes one of the issues. In a statement from the team, if you make an attempt to stabilize the server and reorient the game. This would cause more problems, the situation would be serious.

Warterschlangen and Test Driver Unlimited Servern playing cardsWarterschlangen and Test Driver Unlimited Servern playing cards
Warterschlangen and Test Driver Unlimited Servern playing cards

If the Server Team likes this, the connection problem will be intensive. For the Flut and games, which are wanted on the Server, you will enjoy, what Serveroptimierungen vornamen. If the server capitalization is high, a warteschlangen and a connection failure are reduced. You are the leader of everything that has happened and the problem with the PS5 is not solved.

In any case, it is worth running the new technical re-evaluations with their new technical re-evaluations. The KT Racing quality team has run the following test tests while the server stabilization of the server stabilization is being performed, before more fixes are implemented.

Spieler, who is in Early Access, is more patient. Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown If the first game has not yet started, it is a new launch of the latest version, but it has become more of a beta test phase. Dennoch thanked KT Racing to the community for his money and his performance in this hectic phase of early access. This is a matter of right, impatient and drohen with the Rückerstattungen or offering a compensation for the verzögerten Start signal. Parallel to this, the connection to an offline mode is opened, but this can no longer happen.