
Berlin Zoo: Wieder Panda-Nachwuchs im Berliner Zoo erwartet

Berlin Zoo: Wieder Panda-Nachwuchs im Berliner Zoo erwartet

We are going to the Hinweise on a Trächtigkeit, now the time of the Ultraschall: There are plenty of Panda-Nachwuchs in Berliner Zoo an.


13.08.2024 – 07:34 am

Berlin – I am Berliner Zoo with Panda-Nachwuchs erwartet. “The babies are still 2.5 centimeters large and they are happy with their health and well-being,” says Thomas Hildebrandt, Head of Abteilung für Reproduction Management at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research at the Press Institute. In Panda Garden I find a smaller treat, teilte der Zoo met. The Panda Lady has not offered anything for sale. “Trotz sichtlichen Bauchkneifens” has Meng Meng sich aber überzeugen lassen, “in the aufrecht zu kommen and the kühle Ultraschall-Gel as well as the examination with the Ultraschall-Sonde zu akzeptieren”, says the veterinary doctor, as an international expert on the reproduction of Large Pandas gold plated. “Eine exploration im Stehen hließlich die fruitful Nachricht brought, that Meng Meng with two Jungtieren endeavors ist.”

The Freude in the team is very gesen, we will have an ultra clean experience, like Zootierztin Franziska Sutter, who falls in the war. “If the majority of the time in the Klaren season takes place, the stadium of the Trächtigkeit and a sogenannte resorption – also an absterben – of the embryo of that time, still möglich ist”, said Sutter. The Tragzeit takes place at Great Pandas in the Rule three to two months.

The development was further carried out with ultra-analysis and a hormonal analysis. “We hope so much that everything went so well as in the last month of 2019.” The war of Damas first panda birth in a German zoo a sensation at all: the Zwillinge and the first public favorite Pit and Paule have never stayed so long in Berlin.