
Amazon, Google and Co: Trauriger Suspicious power that Runde

Amazon, Google and Co: Trauriger Suspicious power that Runde

Is this a problem? If you have a fresh taste, the other saucepan is no longer functioning so well and a new hermus and zack – at Amazon a hand blender. And that is not the case with used items. Complaints Users about their own Job, such as Postal Service, which are at the following Google sites such as advertising would be, not selected.

It seems that there is a lot of work, from another company on Facebook, Amazon and Google, that can be used. The fact is that it is not that the industry, but it cannot be that the human is affected by it. Now that the document has come out, it may be that the best thoughts have arisen.

Amazon, Google and Co.: Were we aware of our Werbezwecke?

The online media support program “Media 404” reports on the Cox Media Group and goes to the internal documentation of the Cox Media Group in this case. In the documentation that the Media Group has written on the Grundlage that can be used, the potential customer was in the new microphones of Geräten laut gesagt haben.

It is possible to use the companies Amazon, Google and CO refer to, which can use this practice. This technology is used as “active devices” and sends mobile telephony in a wanze.

+++ Payback-Kunden baff: Big Änderung in October +++

If the Mithören of Gesprechen are the Mikrofone of beispielsweise Smartphones, an intelligent intelligence is developed, one of these data is used and the Sprachdaten with Verhaaltensdaten are vernüpfen. If this data is mixed, the process is generated that the conversation is over. In the leaked documents, the Cox Media Group is used, this technology is actively used by Tech Giants such as Amazon, Google and Facebook.

Summary dementia

The Cox Media Group is busy selling new technology in the Schlagzeilen, reports “ZDF”. Sollten Amazon, Google and Co. from Cox Media describe the attachment technology for smartphones, where it is illegal, finally the attachment is forbidden in Germany.

Amazon dementiars op Anfrage der Rundfunkanstalt, jemals mit der Cox Media Group zuammengearbeitet zu haben. If you Google it, it will help you understand how it works, and you should know exactly what the rules are. Investigation into the “ZDF” program, in which Google is eliminated by the Cox Media Group with the Google partner program.

This may be interesting:

Secret documents that these make deutlich are, with a complete theme. If the Werbe-industrie is concerned with solving problems, this is an unreadable fragment.