
Letzter Wachstumsschub der Wirtschaft? Dafür geben Russen ihr Geld aus

Letzter Wachstumsschub der Wirtschaft? Dafür geben Russen ihr Geld aus

Letzter Wachstumsschub der Wirtschaft? Dafür geben Russen ihr Geld aus

Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Gavriil Grigorov/Pool/AFP/Getty Images

The Verbraucherstimmung in Russia reached a high level in June, the Kriegswirtschaft is the Australian ankurbelte.

The Mood Index has been active since April 2022 during the invasion of Ukraine.

Over the years, the Russian Economics has grown into four Prozent. Wirtschaftswissenschaftler erwarten, dass ich dieses Wachstum verlangsamen wird.

The Russian words fell out of money and had a good feeling about their finances.

After the Levada centers in Russia established a large group of educational institutions in Russia, the Verbraucherstimmung in Russia reached a high level in June, while the 2000s still do not exist.

The Levada Index for consumer immunity has continued to rise since April 2022 and the Monate after the Russian invasion in Ukraine is also on February 24, 2022.

The best sanctions that the Russian economy as a broader state of affairs offers are state support for military activities and subsidies in the wartime and a Wachstumsschub gab.

This waiting period raises the income in Russia erheblich. And if you are in a certain time, in one of the other ways of the schrumpfenden, there is talk of a Arbeitskräftemangel kommt.

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Wachstumsschub der Wirtschaft: Die Russian Verbraucher sind im Kaufrausch

The Russian BIP is in the fourth quarter of a year a quadruple percent gegenüber dem Vorjahresquartal. It is a wish list of 5.4 percent of the quarter, but it has never been a robust Wachstum. I think the US-Wirtschaft in two quarters a year is 2.8 percent.

Russia is flourishing in the economy that supports consumer spending, especially in the areas of culture, hotels, transport and personal services, according to an analysis of data by the “Financial Times” during the month.

The FT tracks Russian consumer spending from 2021 to 2023 at more than 20 percent. Mainly, travel expenses are thanks to domestic tourism at more than 90 percent.

I spent a year tasting the Russian Einfuhren von Cognac and Schaumwein on 18 bzw. 80 Prozent gegenüber 2019. This was said by a report from the Medienmagazines „Economist“.

In the Großen and Ganzen, “the consumer booms, a combination of massive home-sustainability and a labor force manager, a strong wage pressure leader,” wrote Bartosz Sawicki in a note last month. Sawicki is a market analyst at Fintech-Unternehmen Conotoxia.

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It is incomprehensible that the sustainability scale of the Wirtschaft von Dauer is no longer valid.

From “Bloomberg” the world economists became erwarten, that is the Wachstum in the Zweiten Jahreshälfte on a zwei Prozent longingssamen was.

Derzeitige Boom is “a letzter Wachstumsschub, before sich the Russian Wirtschaft merklicht abkühlt”, says Alex Isakov. There is a economics expert on Russia at Bloomberg Economics.

The Russian Central Bank has raised the Eurozone index to 18 percent. If inflation is tamped down, the economy is in “erhebliche” excess.

Make sure that the phrases are resolved if the consumer requirements could be reduced.

“It is an incomprehensible fact that the ‘silent’ Industry in der Lage sin, als Ersatz für das Wachstum zu serv, meer Verbraucher mit der Realität a creditworthiness of 20 Prozent or more konfrontiert became,” said Isakov.

The article is by Muriel Dittmar from English. Das Original can be found here.

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