
Zehn Dinge, who does not know the nur Ostberliner from the GDR Zeit

Zehn Dinge, who does not know the nur Ostberliner from the GDR Zeit

Paraden, Mangelwirtschaft and a great Freizeitangebot: Das Leben in der GDR was different

Ostberlin – the main city of the GDR. Life can no longer be separated here in West Berlin. Gähnende Leere in Supermarktregalen und Long Warteschlangen voor Kaufhallen gehörten ebenso zum Stadtbild Ostberlins wie knatterde Trabis und Schwalben auf den Straßen.

Urlaub wurde GDR-Bürgern nur in sogenannten befreundeten Ländern wie etwa der Czechoslovakia and Poland. Deshalb-verbrachten fell into the gewohnten scope in your spare time. Das Freizeitangebot in Ostberlin war groß – genau wie die Sehnsucht nach Westprodukten.

t-online can take a look at the traffic and the fact that it happened in the last century, while the Ostberliner is in it now.

Anyway on the Humboldt Forum, where the Honeckers wanted to come. The Palast der Republik fanden Parteitage und Kulturveranstaltungen statt. The public file comes from the Mitgliedern der Freien Deutschen Jugend (FDJ) from the GDR.

There is a wide variety of restaurants, ice bar, beer and wine pub, bowling alley and much more.

Another Freizeitmagnet of the GDR war of SEZ, Sports and Recreation Center, and the Leninallee (heute Landsberger Allee). Before you go to a Whirlpool, a winter ice rink, which serves as a roller shoe rink in the summer, and a bowling alley.

After the turn the spa has fallen. It was sold in 2003 for a euro and a Bauunternehmer. Soul war is own, the complex is new.

In the Intershop you can buy a few items from the West from the East. The Angebot War turned out like the Kaufhallen. You can no longer use the Ware der Intershops. In dem Laden, Westmark must be taken care of. It could be that the citizens of the GDR are still living, when they have work relationships in the West, or no one will be interested in money, the most important aspects of the West products.

The Kulturpark Plänterwald war is one of the leisure parks of the GDR. There are children from Ostberlin and the GDR geese. Schon von wes man das Riesenrad des 1969 eröffneten Freizeitparks in Treptow, welches übrigens auch heute nor dort steht.

Bis zu 1.7 Millionen Besucher kamen jährlich in de Plänterwald. Kurz vor der Wende wurde der Freizeitpark is noch erweitert. But then you should also visit the Spreepark-GmbH and the Kulturpark.

For eight years, the GDR citizen must be wary of his Trabants as a rule. A car war is over and cannot last any longer. If it ever goes through East Berlin, then the war is in the Trabi. In addition to the notorious cult drive, some East Berliners also drive Wartburg or Barkas. Other car brands are no longer active – for the West Berliner, the East Cars were a real Seltenheit.