
All information about the free credit card

All information about the free credit card

Amazon started with the Santander-Tochter Openbank a new Visa-Kreditkarte in Germany. If you work with Cashback-Punkten and Startgutschrift, this can have a potential cost effect. Do you want to choose the card for your money with a Prime-wirklich?

Amazon, Bezahlen, Finanzen, Kreditkarte, Banking, Visa, Zahlungsmittel, Visakarte, Creditcard, Amazon VISA-Karte, Openbank, Santander Bank, Zinia


Amazon has made a new start in the German credit card market. After ending its cooperation with Landesbank Berlin (LBB) in March 2024, the E-Commerce-Riese is now a company with the Spanish Großbank Santander, a new Visa-Kreditkarte. If the Angebot advances a little, the power of the verkumer is increased.

Point system as core piece

The central element of the new Amazon visa card is a punk cashback system. You can enjoy your shopping experience at Amazon in the form of Punkten zurück. For transactions using the Amazon Kosmos, this is 0.5 Prozent. Prime-Mitglieder benefits together: a best action phase, who dem Prime Day, winks at both Prozent Rückerstattung.
Amazon Visa Card (Santander)Exclude from purchasing a new Amazon Visa Credit Card
A punk who has put a euro in the market could get a sum of money at Amazon. This can be a problem: the punk is not eligible for Amazon services with Prime, Kindle or AWS used. This limit creates the flexibility of the bonus system.

Buhren and hidden costs

Once an attractive card has appeared: it will not take years for the Prime Status to be undone. If you are making a bet that has potential costs:

  • Teilzahlungsfunktion comes with a Zinssatz von 20.13 Prozent.
  • Bar money costs 3.9 Prozent der Summe, at least 1.50 Euro.
  • Transactions in Fremdwährungen were invested with 1.5 Prozent Aufschlag.

In comparison to credit card offers on the market are the costs of others during the beach. When the effective investments in financing are quickly resolved, the costs for money management and the costs of the card payments in the foreign exchange at many banking relationships on the sale of goods have increased. A credit card comparison finds my end to these articles.

Beliebte Debit- en Kreditkarten (to display)

Startgutschrift as Lockmittel

A new study and a good purchase of the LBB credit card when buying, Amazon closes with a Startgutschrift. Neukunden ohne Prime-Mitgliedschaft costs 10 Euro, with Prime is 15 Euro. If you spend more time buying a new LBB card: If you pay 25 Euro, the Prime-Mitglieder is one or more 15 Euro or Prime-Status. The Gutschrift is displayed with the first card reference.

Technical aspects

For technikaffine Nutzer it is interesting to go to the new Amazon Visa zum Start Apple Pay night non-supported. If you can use one of the possible possibilities of a Ausschlusskriterium test, you can provide an answer to the working methods of mobile payment methods. You can contact the physical credit card and Google Pay via Android smartphones that can be offered directly at work.

The online payment of the card is completed, but a new bank account has become much more difficult. All devices became one of the best giro accounts of the customer account. If you take out a loan and have a digital signature of the credit cards, you can get a maximum limit of 210 euros for your loan, which is so nice at Amazon. The arrangement and the costs are higher than a limit of 2,000 euros.

For the sale of the card, a special Amazon Visa app is available for sale. Here you can earn your money by buying a loan, a full-fledged and financial loan or an increase in credit limits.
Amazon Visa Card (Santander)Amazon Visa app for Apple iOS and Google Android

Hintergründe zur Partnerschaft

The Amazon-Santander partnership is one of the biggest strategies for both countries. Santander is looking to step up its game by partnering with big tech giants in the digital financial sector. The bank initially became a “buy now, pay later” provider for Apple. Amazon has a stake in the end of the loan with an LBB partner, a lucrative German credit card market that is being launched.

Konkret trades with the banking partner of the digital Santander-Ableger Openbank under Marke Zinia. Openbank-trifftlich on the separation of the credit card anträge. Die step by step introduction der Karte für Kunden soll in de kommenden Wochen ergolgen.

Fazit: Lohnenswert voor Amazon-Vielnutzer

The new Amazon Visa credit card can be used for life at Amazon. If you use Prime members, you can regularly benefit from the platform on which you can benefit from the Cashback Punk. First of all, the high values ​​​​for payment as well as the requirements for cash receipts and foreign exchange are potentially useful.

If the card is primarily for e-ink at Amazon useless and highlights the full review involvement, the Vorteile des Angebots can be optimally executed. If you know that most of the country abroad or the bar money offers an attractive alternative on the market, this is a more attractive alternative.

Was Amazon’s stop a new credit card? See an interesting option for an email or a bank transfer for that night? Please leave your thanks and appreciation in the comments.

Amazon Visa Credit Card
Comeback with Santander Bank

For Offer


  • Amazon launched a new Visa credit card in Germany with Santander
  • Cashback points and lock your entry, but fees are waived
  • Keine Jahresgebühr, aber hohe Zinsen und Gebühren bij Teilzahlungen
  • Prime Mitglieder offers money to get money back and take action
  • The point was not for all Amazon-Dienste-eisbar, was the Nutzung einschränkt
  • Neukunde and ehemalige LBB-Karteninhaber offer attractive Gutschrifts
  • Card would not work without Apple Pay, but it was not possible to use it

See also:

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