
You will save the country!

You will save the country!

In the Series “Good Times, Bad Times” to experience Flo (Pauline Afaja) and Jonas (Felix van Deventer) Please move on during the week. Both of them are still in need of financial support, but in any case, they were also taken into account in the series for major repairs.

GZSZ: Jonas und die Familienzusammenführung

Jonas is completely alone with each other Father Lars (Hardy Krueger) konfrontiert, der in Miami as a Beauty surgeon working. Jetzt is there zurück in Berlin, um Maren (Eva Mona Rodekirchen) zu heiratenten, die met dem Trauschein in Händen das Haus ihrer Tante Jutta in Spanien erbenn.

GZSZ: Moritz and Luis Televison

Moritz Powers a Schlimme Entdeckung: DAS enthüllt Adam’s secret Nachricht an Luis

Bevor Marc Weinmann die Serie “Gute Zeiten,… Read more »

Anyone who has been able to experience this in the series will welcome Jonas during his or her critical experience. Schließlich war dieser nicht für ihn da, als er nach seinem schlimmen Unfall zwischenzeitlich seinen Lebensmut verlor.

Schockt nimmt Lars so zur Kennis, sohn zischenzeitlich sogar darüber nachdachte, sein Leben zu legsen.

GZSZ: Flo is between Jonas and Lars

GZSZ: Flo and Lars
Flo (Pauline Afaja) says Lars (Hardy Krüger) that Meinung. Photo: RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

Es war Flo, who with a clear answer that was taken care of, that Jonas and Lars lost the Smalltalk, and that they were also easy to use:

„I have been in contact with each other for a long time, and I have been there for a while since Jonas’ Unfall came to an end, and the Einzige, worüber ihr sprecht, since the City, the Wetter, theine Songs… and Jonas is so much passionate, and during the war not that. That is the best of all green. Why don’t you save it?!”

All things have their own problems, that a glückliche Beziehung with Jonas demnächst in Frage pose…

GZSZ: Moritz and Luis Televison

Moritz Powers a Schlimme Entdeckung: DAS enthüllt Adam’s secret Nachricht an Luis

Bevor Marc Weinmann die Serie “Gute Zeiten,… Read more »

Attention, Spoiler: Dieser Beitrag enthält Informationen zur GZSZ-Folge, die RTL am kommenden Montag, 19. August, at 7.40 PM on Free-TV said. The streaming service RTL+ is the episode that can be enjoyed every week. *

Were you interested in the series “Good Times, Bad Times” that you could follow along with the RTL-Kosmos:

GZSZ: Does Jonas zu Flos Neuanfang pass?

GZSZ: Jonas and Flo
Jonas (Felix van Deventer) and Flo (Pauline Afaja) have some discussions. Photo: RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

After all, the Investor should be able to find out what the security company is, and you will be able to purchase “Safety Flo”. Jetzt begins for your new life.

GZSZ-Flo wants to travel the world

Flo wants to travel the world. Aber ist in diesem auch noch Platz für Jonas? There is some hesitation, so there are some possibilities… Motivation is power in itself Flo an die Planung. “Was you willing to say the least? Welchen Kontinent, welches Land?”, will sie von Jonas erase. But there miss sie enttäuschen. Abenteuerreisen with the Rollstuhl without driving…

GZSZ: Moritz and Luis Televison

Moritz Powers a Schlimme Entdeckung: DAS enthüllt Adam’s secret Nachricht an Luis

Bevor Marc Weinmann die Serie “Gute Zeiten,… Read more »

From the current GZSZ-Vorschau entnehmen we will begin to do so. Does it not fit into ihre Zukunftspläne at all?

GZSZ: Flo disappears

GZSZ: Luis, Moritz, Jonas
Die Jungs machen sich great Sorgen um Flo. Photo: RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

Whoever wants to receive messages, will be happy with Flo, and will be able to stay in the company room for a while. More information here:

GZSZ Logo Series

GZSZ | Missing: SIE verschwindet spurlos vom Kolle-Kiez!

In the Laufe der Zeit since in the Series “Good Times,… Read more »

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