
Want to get Pädophilen-Ring as a Fan Club from Kinderchor?

Want to get Pädophilen-Ring as a Fan Club from Kinderchor?

Hannover (dpa) – The Staatsanwaltschaft Hannover has created a mutmaßlichen Pädophilen-Ring, so that the Fan Club will have a French children’s choir. The suspects are a 65-Jähriger from Seelze near Hannover and a 63-Jähriger from the Hildesheim district. Both were, as choir leaders, very active in private music. Ein Sprecher der Staatsanwaltschaft Hannover bestätigte entsprechende Mediaberichte.

19 Most of the fans of the fan clubs of the “Tempo Kids” have made a meeting at a musical interpretation in France, which is a Speaker of the Staatsanwaltschaft Hannover. The men in the alternative world are 36 and 75 years busy with the writing, writing and the further expansion of child and youth pornographic materials. If the guilty act, this is a 17-some German and American American Americans.

Laut «Hannoverscher Allgemeinen Zeitung» would include the Wohnungen der Beschuldigten, Hotelzimmer and Autos durchsucht at the end of April. All the French Behörden were one of the most important things that the Zugriff experienced in France, as the Sprecher said.

Durchsuchung in Seelze brought Ermittlungen ins Rollen

If the encouragement to use paddophilen-rings the fahnder at a duration of the house of the 65 years in other Sache. The former chorus leader from Soulze stands the while because of sexual child abuse before the Landgericht Hannover. Whoever received the message from the «Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung» sees the interest in 2021 and 2024 at the age of 13 in Raum Leipzig with a sexual misconduct.

Auch dem 63-Jährigen wird sexueller Missbrauch vorgeworfen. Der Haftbefehl gegen ihn sei unter Auflagen aufgehoben be, such as the Speaker of the Staatsanwaltschaft Hannover.

Others are accused of the German fan club of the French Knabenchors who have praised the Staatsanwaltschaft on the ways of the Besitzes and the Weiterverbreitung of sexual child abusers. Derzeit would be the Ermittler 10,000 Gegenstände, which for all Datenträger, aus. When an application is made, the state bank can no longer get to work.