
With Video printed? Peter Hyballa gives trainer job in South Africa

With Video printed? Peter Hyballa gives trainer job in South Africa

The coaching career of Peter Hyballa which is the most spectacular direct hit – and perhaps even more so on the cable car of the 48-Jährigen-eingeläutet. The common Bocholters have their last weeks and neither for the first performances of the South African Erstligisten Sekhukuhue United FC signal Amt nederlegt. “Urgent personal Gründe” has praised the Trainer Pressemitteilung des Vereins in seiner Kündigung angeführt. If you would like to lend a hand with the crime of crime.

The newspaper “Sunday World” should press the club with a compromising video, the Hyballa should say with a prostitute. The video lies the newspaper for. Prostitution is tolerated in South Africa, is not officially forbidden. Some of the best results that can be achieved are the printing of a million rand (and about 50,000 euros) gemandert – this so-called Hyballa the consequences.

For Peter Hyballa, this 13. Station could possibly go at the last signal as a profit trainer. Seine fachliche Kompetenz stand dabei ni infrage. During WM 2021 in Katar kam der Mann, as Nachwuchstrainer among others at Preußen Münster and Arminia Bielefeld active war and 2007 at U 19 of Borussia Dortmund, among others Mario Götze on the road to a great career, as expert at ZDF at Wort – and erntete für seine Auftritte großes Lob.

Immer wieder kurze Trainer-Stations

You will not know how Peter Hyballa’s employment contract can now make even more mistakes. Internal problems with the club bosses, about an unnoticed problem with the player with the playing equipment of an inseparable dissonance.

2019 must now participate in NAC Breda from the Dutch Eredivisie verabschieden, after four Pflichtspielen war 2021 Schluss beim Esbjerg BK in Denmark, Türkgücü Munich Hyballa can go to a Partie, for AS Trencin in Slowenien anddete der Vertrag 2023 after the two Partien. In South Africa, Hyballa is never on the Seitenlinie – and that is where the Spieler dem Vernehmen nach sehr zufrieden with ihrem Übungsleiter were present.

In a short period of 30 years as a trainer, started in 1993 in the Jugendabteilung von Borussia Bocholt, Hyballa came to have a wonderful time during the year. Considering that Hyballa has spoiled South Africa – the occasion is worth seeing since the last 48 years.