
From the USA to Honduras: So my country has changed

From the USA to Honduras: So my country has changed

From the USA to Honduras: So my country has changed

Sarah Johnson Harmacek lived in Roatan, Honduras in 2023.
Manual Chinchilla

Sarah Johnson Harmacek, from Denver, Honduras, was a tour guide at a resort where she was.

If you are busy with your money and your livelihood, but you cannot lose your income.

You will live in a Zweizimmerwohnung with Platz für Familienbesuche and how not for the Insel zu Verlassen.

This is a machine equipment that contains an article from the US colleagues of Business Insider. There is an automatic processing and a real editing task.

This essay is based on a conversation with Sarah Johnson Harmacek, a 33-year graduate of the Kimpton Grand Roatán Resort and Spa in Honduras. There is depth of length and clarity of presentation.

I am the Drink Director at the Kimpton Grand Roatan Resort and Spa in Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras. I moved here from Denver in 2023.

I spent a long time in the gastgewerbe in Denver’s Innenstadt. The work in the restaurant is characterized by flexibility, which makes me happy, so that both of us are completely satisfied. I am also a great sommelier.

After four years in various positions in gastronomy, Kimpton Hotel Born is damaged. Because it has enjoyed a long time, davon three years as a drink manager in the entire hotel area.

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Denver is my home

I got on in a Vorort in the West of the Stadt and with 19 years sucked into the Innenstadt. Denver offers Profisport, a center for the culinary world, a dynamic restaurant and various cultural festivals. If the culture is no longer in the nature of the state associations. Man, die in Colorado, will probably be free.

Over the years that the time of the person who sees in Denver can have an impact on the traffic, the cost of living and the sustainability of the urban habitat.

I will be attending one of Kimpton’s internal conferences in November 2022.

I am always happy to have a meal with a dedicated customer service guide for restaurant services. If I enjoy my travelogues, I can take a Spanish flight and experience more of it, part of it, I said: “Were we prepared to go to Roatán?” !”

A month is talked about the properties of the real estate and the stelle, which has a comparable experience with my stelle in the Denver bot. There is a problem with solving problems in the processing and the help with the Work visa. In February 2023 I have power over my package and a lot.

When war flares up, it gets nervous, we will all get an unnoticed idea of ​​the world we want to see. I have experienced war, that is my Heimatstadt, my friend, my family and my berufliche Gemeinschaft verlassen must. Dennoch war is glücklich en stolz, het Schritt gewagt hadte en een leven in Honduras anfing.

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I wanted to get rid of everything for my life in Honduras

Was I could, I have sold, given away or donated. The rest have in the House of Fathers the best friends I have not had. Ich habe zwei Koffer and a knapsack-mitgenommen.

If I ever had a Monate on the Grundstück, it was a first station for my war and my Zeit-gab, one of the most important transport and transport options for the kümmern. The Immobilienmarkt is aimed at Ferienhäuser and Kurzzeitvermietungen. Aber mit der Hilfe meiner Kollegen for Ort en dem fleißigen Durchstöbern von Facebook-Groppen en -Anzeigen habe ich etwas Anstanddiges gefunden.

The guys in Roatan are also in Denver, but they vary. I live in a sweathouse in a busy place in the Hauptstädte, 15 Minutes from the Arbeit entfernt, with the Platz for Friends and Family, who can help me so much. I have paid a sum of 1,200 US dollars (about 1,100 euros) a month, and I think of Kabelfernsehen, Warmwasser, a Parkingplatz and a Waschmaschine with Trockner. I have had a car accident.

Life is different in Honduras

Kimpton Grand Roatan Resort and Spa.

Kimpton Grand Roatan Resort and Spa.
Kimpton Grand Roatan Resort and Spa

In Denver I have a Tage met een morgendlichen Trailrun, Besorgungen, een Theaterbesuch und een Abendessen met een Freund gefüllt in a new restaurant. Täglich 100 Miles (approximately 161 kilometers) from a small distance to the next day, without any Seltenheit.

Since then the island of Roatan itself is only 35 miles (approx. 56 kilometers) long. There are no cinemas, no bowling alleys and no shopping centres, but a few discotheques and a handful of existing restaurants. My life in Honduras has become more and more and could concentrate on the tauchen, studying a book in the pool or a credit while sunbathing on the water.

I think I am not home anymore and I can get a little more fruit. I have had my fear of the water and life and it has become, the jetzt von Booten jumps.

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I may have spent my day and night in Honduras, but I would like to live and spend my life there, and I would like to spend my life there again. I have no problem, everything in a bar on the terrace, sports or sports with great pleasure. It’s a taller hat, which can be financed a bit by a friend.

Was a Roatan my biggest lie, since those people. If you are warm and hospitable friends, if you are busy with the business and the business, your real community feeling and your generic care for life, that is a lie that is not gone anymore.

If you don’t wrap yourself up, but if you do, the regularity of the Insel-verlassen. La Ceiba is not a single current or an air current in the channel. Miami is now one of the main destinations for a direct flight and a stay in my bed after a city with nightlife and shopping. If San Pedro Sula has landed on the Honduran Festland, part of the economy and the economy is being done and the culinary world is very lively.

An Umzug in Ausland is swingy

It may be that the culture is not interesting. The communication style is uninteresting, the time became relatively popular, and the language and the art, however the human being was, it became personal. But the shocking Veränderung war for my environment: the change from the high ground to the sea mirror, from the snow to the beach.

The Mückenstiche was a horror, but my body has become accustomed to it, and I could not buy it anymore. If the regulation of the war temperature begins to shift, it may be that the time is such that you switch and drink more water. If a person knows that it is so, the whole Sand ist.

Das Mädchen, das jeden Sonntag im Theater saß, isst jetzt Brathähnchen am Straßenrand in een weit entfernten Dorf, hört Punta-Musik and sieht zu, wie die Sonne in der Ferne am Horizont versinkt. I think I’ll enjoy enjoying it and moving, however I can do it.

My Vertrag is not fearless, even though it is so long, that it is possible, that we can achieve a better work-life balance, but that the income genius can be.

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