
Sendung – Tatort – Zabou am Di., 13.08.2024

Sendung – Tatort – Zabou am Di., 13.08.2024

Schimanski (Götz George) and Zabou (Claudia Messner).

Schimanski killed the Drogenmafia. The Spur lives in a luxurious Club, in the political Prominenz, Geldadel and Halbwelt a Stelldichein geben.

Schimanski has killed the Drug Mafia. The Spur is in a luxurious Club, in the political Prominence, the moneyed nobility and the half-world a stelldichein geben. But suddenly he stands before Zabou. There is no question of a früher, if there is any kind of war, the Tochter Seiner Freundin. The war of Damas is a large part of the war. Was the power here? Schimanski has no thanks now: If you want more of that Sumpf von Rauschgift and Kriminalität, you must do it. But Zabou hat gar keine Lust, I will follow. I am the one who looks at it, like Schimanski and Hocks, the Geschäftsführer of the Clubs, to vermitteln. The commissioner wants a meeting and notice that his spät, the man in a trap: There would be pumped full of the dryer and promoted, he would not be able to sit in the tote Hocks, with his dienstwaffe ershossen. Schimanski lands in the Krankenhaus, but now the police has become such that all Individuals spread about their guilt. When autumn falls, Schimanski sees a little how he can help himself. These kinds of things are at work and it is a fact that the hints are carried out in the right way. It is a fact that you are on the run – from the police and from the gangster. Zwischen the two are a great tension. It is so that if Zabou and Messer liefern wollte, thenn rettet si in ons Lebensgefahr. Verbissen let Schimanski know that he was a Soul for Augen: There must be more of Mädchen. I’m there at the end of the day for a long time…

Schimanski (Götz George)
Schimanski (Götz George)
Thanner (Eberhard Feik)
Conny (Claudia Messner)
Heels (Wolfram Berger)
Melting (Hannes Jaenicke)
Schäfer (Dieter Pfaff)
Sandrowski (Ralf Richter)
Cook (Klaus Lage)