
Employees for the fast internet in Obervellmar have started

Employees for the fast internet in Obervellmar have started

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Employees for the fast internet in Obervellmar have started
In Obervellmar it is with the Glass Phase Rausbau weiter: Darüber freuen sich (on the left) Glass Phaser-Kundin Yvonne Reuß, Sven Ullmann (Städtische Werke), Carsten Harkner (KVV), Bürgermeister Manfred Ludewig and Holger König (Telekom). © Clara Pinto

In Obervellmar there is a small Baulöcher and the Straßen zu sehen. Grund dafür ist der Glasphaserausbau. A few streets are closed.

Vellmar – In Obervellmar a small Baulöcher is active in the Straßen to see. Oben ragen meist orangefarbene Kabelstränge heraus. Grund dafür ist der Glasphaserausbau in der Stadt. It’s worth going in the next round. Laut der Städtischen Werke Netz + Service GmbH (NSG) has launched the Bauarbeiten nach Plan.

All 142,000 Haushalte and Firmen in Kassel and Vellmar are expected to have high-speed internet access by 2033. Buy the NSG for 100 million euros in a large glass fiber network in both cities. The Deutsche Telekom package lasts 30 years and continues to exist as a Betreiber.

Fast internet

With glass fiber, the bandwidth of a Gigabit (1000 Megabit) is possible for Sekunde. It is impossible to use a cable or DSL connection. Online game and film in higher display (HD film) are so small Problem more. For comparison: The other Internet standard DSL is a maximum of 16 Megabit per second, the highest VDSL speed up to 250 Megabit.

“Wir haben bisher rund 25 Prozent des Ausbaugebiets Vellmar with Glaspaser erschlossen,” says Sven Ullmann from the Stadtischen Werken. The quality of the fiber optic infrastructure is a notable product delay. During the construction phase, the glass phaser house lock in the Connection with the Abschluss eines ViyonetVertrags beauftragt bebeauftragt. Viyonet gehört zu den Städtischen Werken. The products and rates of the telecom provider that Ullmann could offer were presented in perspective. De Vermarktung für das Gebiet in Vellmar hat, wie wie wie den neuer Arbeiten, bereits 2022 stattgefunden.

Vellmar Mayor Manfred Ludewig (SPD) has said the “reibunglose Zusammenarbeit” with NSG and Telekom: “Excavation is fading fast and efficiently. If we end up in Vellmar, it could be that the excavation pits and everything is in one hand,” says there. Once the city has started, the city workshop is seen empty and sharp. “That is leader not self-understanding in glass phase construction,” said Ludewig.

In Vellmar the glassworks continue

“Leitungen können wir, das ist our Metier”, said Carsten Harkner, Principal of Kasseler Verkehrs- und Versorgungs-GmbH (KVV), heard before the NSG. Unlike other providers, the NSG offers flächendeckend aus. “If we live together in society, then we will also be responsible for accountability. We will not be able to build the filetstücke,” said Harkner.

Bisher has completed 40.5 kilometers of fiber optic cable over 12.6 kilometers throughout Vellmar. “The mix of the cables and the glass fiber cables exceeds the mix of the cables, which are installed in the cables of the cables, which are more efficiently installed,” explains Sven Ullmann.

Night in the South Vellmar’s streets are open, since they are still Montag im “Alten Ortskern” in Obervellmar later. On October 5, Straßen Mauerstraße, Bachstraße, Untergasse, Schulstraße and Steingasse were affected. The ground of the one single street should not be avoided completely. (Clara Pinto)