
North Rhine-Westphalia: Messerattacke auf Kinder – Prozess gegen 21-Jährigen startet

North Rhine-Westphalia: Messerattacke auf Kinder – Prozess gegen 21-Jährigen startet

North Rhine-Westphalia
Messerattacke auf Kinder – Prozess started in 21 years

The next monate after a Messerattacke auf zwei Kinder in Duisburg begins with the trial of a 21-year-old Mann. A fine is not a fine for the Duisburger Landgericht.

Duisburg (dpa/lnw) – After a Messerangriff op zwei Kinder in Alter von neun en zehn Jahren in Duisburg begins at Mittwoch (13.00 Uhr) before the Duisburger Landgericht der Prozess gegen einen 21-jährigen Mann. There are accusations of the youth and of the month of February, which has been neglected. The Staatsanwaltschaft was struck by fear like Mord.

A half-penalty is not possible in the form of a crime control for the Landgericht. The 21 years have been one of the greatest debt burdens and their debts have become serious. The judge would have experienced the fragmentation of the disease, while a German doctor thought for the general health and had lost the best time in a closed psychiatric clinic.