
Konzernchef Huang purchased NVIDIA stock for purchase | 14.08.24

Konzernchef Huang purchased NVIDIA stock for purchase | 14.08.24

• Grosser Ausverkauf bei Tech-Aktien – also NVIDIA concerned
• NVIDIA CEO has achieved his goal of NVIDIA actions in millions of years
• Power of Huang dennoch gesunken

After all, the technical activities will be completed in mid-July in August, after the last few days, and during the last months, you will receive a new purchase. Auch Anleger-Liebling NVIDIA erlitt in den last Wochen Verluste. The Anteilsscheine des KI-Profiteurs lost innerhalb of four Wochen rund 22 Prozent an Wert.

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang has large sales, but it is not so strong, that he has made preparations for the future of millions of dollars.

NVIDIA Chef is in charge of his business

After the NVIDIA promotion in 2023, be confident in the hype surrounding the trend theme, artistic intelligence and benefit from strong performance in the first months of the new year, starting with significant gains in the future – with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang.

Anyone who received Barron’s message, who received the Unternehmenschef, was present on 13. and 21. June 720’000 NVIDIA-Aktien for insgesamt 94.6 Million US-Dollar purchased, received a Durchnittspreis of 131.44 US-Dollar entspricht. These actions were carried out in accordance with Rule 10b5-1-Handelsplans, at 14. However, they were sold.

In July, Huang bought Fortune with more than one NVIDIA action in the amount of 323 Million US Dollars and in the first August nor in the last year an investment in the value of 38 Million US Dollars.

Power of Huang dennoch schrumpft

Trotz Huangs Verkäufen von NVIDIA Aktien in regular Blöcken zu je 120’000 Aktien besthehe der Grossteil des Powers des NVIDIA-CEO nach vor des Anteilen an dem Chipunternehmen. So besitze er trotz der Verkäufe immer noch etwa 3.5 Prozent des Unternehmens,berichtet Fortune.

Of the delights of the NVIDIA Action in the past weeks, Huang was still completely lost. So see the NVIDIA Chef at the time of the High Points of the NVIDIA Action in the Bloomberg Billionaires Index with a Power of 119 Billion US Dollars. Inspected is the power of 92.1 billion US dollars, which is included in the ranking of the people of the world at Platz 15 (as of August 12, 2024).

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