
Opposition in Russia: Ein Kandidat gegen den Krieg

Opposition in Russia: Ein Kandidat gegen den Krieg

No. 33 –

Moscow’s Gleb Babitsch will sit in the city parliament. The 24-year-old link disappeared from the plan during the state reform that no longer lasts.

Gleb Babitsch is a member of the team

For a young generation, Russia’s aggressive isolation course has brought a future with: Gleb Babitsch (above) surrounding the team.

Gleb Babitsch is enthroned on the Schultern Teams – an unusual position for the 24-year-old Moscow local politician. Stubbornly, one prefers another interest, as oneself to live. If you have the Freude and the Erlechterung in the Written Authority, it is likely that you first in an undeveloped Kampf with the state reservation for the Candidacy of the City Parliament of the Russian Capital in September gemeistert.

Weil er keiner in der Staatsduma Partei angehört, muss Babitsch als Voraussetzung für seine Zulassung mindestens 5133 in seinem Wahlkreis with round 170 000 Stimberrechtigten gesammelte Unterschrift vorlegen: een vere Kraftakt. After a long marathon and a long night for the Abgabetermin region, 5404 Signatures is a – sorgfältig von seinem Wahlstab geprüft and ordentlich sistersammengeheftet. Jetzt is one of the best choices you can really make.

“Tun Sie was bad at first!”

A few days in a high-rise quarter of the Districts Tjoplij Stan in the South of Moscow. Here I feel that I have a big challenge: my discussion with Babitsch versammelt. The theme that the people are dealing with: fehlende Hundeauslaufplätze. Many flowers bloom, other pose Questions. Babitsch savory is with English language and financing of the bag familiar.

“Tun Sie maar eerst mal was!”: The shrill, the previous time a woman becomes another woman, which for the Hundethema is not interesting. “Wozu wollen Sie überhaupt ins Parlament?”, drives them hard. However, if you know that the first time a new challenge has arisen, the picture is shifted and it is shown as Abgeordnete on a higher amount of money. One of the answers that the woman has received with arguments: Babitsch has been given a mandate for the city. If you are a woman who is bald, there is a new gynecological center that has closed the treatment another time.

It is possible to let Babitsch enjoy a living bed in your Quartier. While the veranstaltetie is a hit with the local authorities, three initiators, and the Mülltrennung or the generation of Baumassnahmen in a large park. «Ich bin in einer linken Familie gross geworden», erzählt er. If teenagers with a link think, it is likely that the dimensions have a big impact. Erst as a student and then in local politics it is interesting to know that the other generations: the biology study is one of the best things with the Velo; the previous, when the state poor earn their money and earn an income, we are winning.

Everything seems to come to an idea, as a candidate candidate among Wahlen supporters, the Ruft in Russia today’s Kopfschütteln reform – and that is no longer with the overarching political sciences. If a new innovative know-how has been acquired by the State Power, there is a Wahlprozedere for fictional exploration over the las. Before the older Wahl zur Mosgorduma bespielsweise only at the current submission classical vote on paper prepared. Otherwise, information can be provided electronically. Wahlbeobachtung? Not to be seen in this message. In clear text that means: practically unlimited possibilities for manipulation of results.

Bliss as an asset

“In the erasure of what we do with the Wahlen gar nicht als Option, a mandate for erringen”, Babitsch gives zu. The chance is great that the chance is great that there is a problem – some blessings fall out: these have fallen into the brightness of the earth. Gute Gründe, sich trotzdem nicht geschlacht zu geben, gibt es dennoch. “Our Campaign provides us with power, many people will reach and commit there, that is in Russia a political alternative to state propaganda and their dessen Kurs gibt”, is an overstatement. Gleb Babitsch will say that he will still play Politik op Augenhöhe in the year 2024. It is a fact that risks have been taken.

Auf X bezeichnet is unverhohlen als «Antikriegskandidat». Würde is the Russian Kriegsführung in Ukraine made explicit, the power is like a criminal bar – if you position yourself, it is also daring. Under the Wahlslogan «Frieden, Gleichheit, Zukunft», Babitsch Zentrale Anliegen is rushing into action. «Ohne Frieden is bewegung und Entwicklung nicht vorellbar», he is in the program.

It is a social ungleichheit and a global world as in Moscow, jene, it is so that you can learn, in the Reichtum genuinly zelebrieren. Babitsch offers an integrated urban planning, a solution for human development, an appreciation of the local Selbstverwaltung and more political issues for the Population. Under the real political Einfluss.

It is ambitious and it is not that the current trend is expanding, but it is the vast majority of people in Russia, but politics is not served by it. There is nothing else. Otherwise if we betray the Mosque Wahlen, we have seen more chance: there were more people who were involved in the actions during the war.

Gleb Babitsch cannot select part of the content based on the means. It was a matter of icing and communication on the Augenhöhe. Another Trumpf ist der Enthusiasmus seiner beef 150 Wahlhelfer:innen. Viele von ihnen hatten 2021 schon den Wahlkampf von Michail Lobanow für einen Sitz in der Duma unterstützt.

If you want to connect, it may be that the electronic stimuli of the past hinge. On the political engagement followed House interviews and hearings, Lobanow finally fled into exile. Babitsch is now for a young generation, the aggressive isolation course of Russia has brought a part of their lives with it. The cut-through salt in his team dared to lie wildly at the beginning.

Captions for non-final explanation

For the new Greeks, who no longer want to have any name, it is worth doing legal work for political activities that must be carried out. There is a group of young people who are in a regular debate with active themes. The collection of writings for Babitsch now offers him the opportunity to discuss on the road and a residential street with ordinary citizens. Also about Babitsch’s anti-war support.

Even with that point – and with the theme of migration – the spirits were separated, says Grischa. I will not recognize the political Haltung. “If a person does not fall anymore, there is no talk of a party”, but he is in the Rückblick on four weeks of agitation in the Strasse. Grischa has a cashier, when he is confronted with ignorance and an honest conflict, when a person comes from the person, when the Babitsch Wahl program is carried out.

Freitags, when the Russian Ministry of Justice is jewels on the list of “foreign agents”, Babitsch is taken from the new side, to remain excused. Should his name be taken there, there is no choice but to indicate more. The selection committee writes that the submitted texts are for incompletely explained – although a part for handwritten documents that are characteristic, the readability is not really important or other special features are used. It is a politically motivated broader struggle that drives Babitsch to focus on what is happening. The rebuttal to a robbery complaint is not attractive.

For so many Bewohner: in von Tjoplij Stan bleibt Babitsch zo or zo der Kandidat der Zukunft – ob mit realpolitischen Erfolgen order ohne. «Mach weiter so», I would like to have a Hundehalterin bei der Versammlung im Stadtviertel, «you are with our Hoffnungsträger.»