
Here the GDR Elite changes for the People

Here the GDR Elite changes for the People

In the Waldsiedlung Wandlitz the Elite of the GDR is entrenched from the People. With Google Maps you can find one of the following Grundstücken.

Google Maps is not suitable for navigation, but you can not use the online map service, there is another choice you can make. So for example a shabby Japanese village, a mysterious witch symbol in Kazakhstan or the Waldsiedlung Wandlitz, in the context of the Spitzenfunktionare der GDR-residential.

Our video showed the immersive view in Google Maps:

The Residenz of the GDR Elite in Bernau

Die Waldsiedlung Wandlitz, die eigentlich in Bernau, wurde 1958 als geschlossene Siedlung for high quality Mitglieder der SED erbaut. See war anderthalb Quadratkilometer gross and behind the other Mauern versteckt. Abstained from the people, the SED leadership elite hated everything here and was now a man in their own right: Putzfrauen, Köche, Gärtner, Schneider and Friseur.

Waldsiedlung Wandlitz: The GDR Elite is the standard of the gewöhnlichen population hereWaldsiedlung Wandlitz: The GDR Elite is the standard of the gewöhnlichen population here
Waldsiedlung Wandlitz: The GDR elite lives here the standards of the gewöhnlichen population (© Google Maps)

Zu den Bewohnern der Waldsiedlung gehörten zunächst 23 Politiker, darunter Erich Honecker, Walter Ulbricht and Otte Grotewohl as well as their families. No wonder, that the area is best protected war. The ring runs through a maschendrahtzaun, a painter with the doe on a wild forest area. The inner ring war of a two-meter high and one-kilometer long takes the Concrete Security Wall and can now be continued with a part of the time.

Insgesamt file der Sicherungsbereich aus 33 Postenbereichen, während das Wachpersonal rund 140 Personen umfasste. Uber den luxurious life style of the politician The war in the time of the GDR has now begun. One of the many changes in the homeland, the vast majority of the inhabitants of the economy with the Western verzorgt-werden, betrieb de zoning an own Müllabfuhr, which dafür took care, that the fall was not brought to a municipal dump.

At Google it is not the case that the following has been found:

After the Zusamenbruch of the GDR it is one of the strongest points to wait for gelände-geffnet, the largest part and the large parts that are new. In its initial form werdet ihr Wandlitz bij Google Maps also not visible. A few things you can do are those of the home user of Walter Ulbricht and Otte Grote Wohl. The historical construction of the settlement value 2017 placed under monument protection.

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